Re: Compatibility
  • 2018/5/14 3:58

  • abfed

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2018/5/6 2

Thank you. That has helped resolve some issues . Capitalization of files seems to be all over the place and fixing that has further allowed more things to actually function. This module seems to have so much potential if it would actually just work..... I've tried to understand some of the problems but have not been able to find a go-to resource that explains the various functions so that I could try to debug some of this myself.

Re: Compatibility
  • 2018/5/7 1:48

  • abfed

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2018/5/6 2

Micheal - sorry I called you James erroneously.

  • 2018/5/6 23:10

  • abfed

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2018/5/6 2

James -

This is an absolutely incredible module and it will be invaluable to us.

However, I am getting all kinds of errors after installing the module.

Running php 7.2

Xoops 2.5.9 fresh install with no add-ons.
Have tried both Pedigree Master Alpha 6 as well as Alpha 8.

With Alpha 8 getting this error:
Error: Error: Call to a member function getVar() on boolean in file /modules/pedigree-master/index.php line 52

With Alpha 6 was getting an error about Module Handler "trash" as not defined - can't recall exact wording. Probably this - $pedigreeTrashHandler = xoops_getModuleHandler('trash', $thisDirname);

Could you let me know which combination of Xoops version and Pedigree Master versions are currently compatible?

Thank you so much!



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