Re: You are registered as BAD_IP by Protector.
  • 2013/9/5 7:14

  • Crash01

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2013/8/31


zite83 wrote:

In your database locate the table {xoops_table_prefix}_protector_access and remove all rows that have your IP listed.

You will also need to remove the ip listed in the file located /xoops_lib/modules/protector/configs/badipsdb

This is at least how I unbanned myself from my test site.

It is the same for the lastest version?
Protector has banned my admin (maybe the nickname?) and IP is not in BAD LIST. Also removing only the files from FTP he is still banned.
So I have to go in database?


Re: Xortify doesnt work
  • 2013/9/2 9:23

  • Crash01

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2013/8/31

wait wait wait

So.."bad ip" on protector are only "warnings" and not bans?

Thx Mamba

Re: Xortify doesnt work
  • 2013/9/2 7:22

  • Crash01

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2013/8/31

Thx, very helpfull!

Last question, I promise

I was looking protector and I have seen this:

2/9/2013 9:06:05     Ospiti     x.x.x.x Safari/537.36Mozilla/5.0 (MacintoshIntel Mac OS X 10_7_5AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTMLlike GeckoChrome/29.0.1547.62 Safari/537.36     SQL Injection     SELECT lid FROM oca_weblinks_link WHERE (url 'http://www.tweaktown.com/gaming/5719/Tom-Clancy's-Splinter-Cell:-Blacklist-Wii-U-Review/index.html') ORDER BY lid ASC

I have censored IP, since is our ip and not an attacker, I'm 101% sure
BTW, why for protector could be a problem that link? Because there is the word "blacklist" in the url? I hope no..but..


Re: Xortify doesnt work
  • 2013/9/1 8:39

  • Crash01

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  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2013/8/31

Yes thanks
I'm using Protector also, but eat a lot of CPU usage, so I wanted try other way. Another question, if you can answer :)

Where are saved protector's logs? Ok, I see all logs on protector page, but there is in some place a file *.log?

Many thanks

Re: How do I install Xortify 4.11?
  • 2013/8/31 19:16

  • Crash01

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2013/8/31

Nice guide!

Xortify doesnt work
  • 2013/8/31 15:15

  • Crash01

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2013/8/31

Hello guys, I'm running xoops 2.5.6 and I have downloaded Xortify.
I have installed the module, following instructions but I have two problems:

1- I dont see the GUI, it is all in a white simple page

2- xortify doesn't work. When I go in "sign-up" I see:

Error Occured Communicating with cloud
The current URI is unaccessable on the selected protocol. This could mean you are either missing a required PHP Extension or have a firewall blocking port 80 to the Xortify Cloud.

You can try changing the protocol selected in preferences to see if this may elivate the communication fawl of your hosting services.

URL/URI Being Contacted Protocol Being Used rest_json

What means?
Firewall is ok, what exactly means "rest_json" and what I have to do?

Thanks Luca



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