Re: How to Merge Xoops 2.5.6 and Xoops25 Basic Module Pack

Ok lets start here...

To install xoops you need to copy everything within the htdocs directory to your web root directory.

Once you have done this in your root directory you should see a bunch of files and directories. one of those folders is the "modules" directory.

A better way to do this is to download the installation document and try that. If it doesn't answer all of your questions then come back here and ask away.

go to this link:


Re: MVC vs. C++ Class/Include structure & XOOPS

MVC is not a fad any more than OOP or Agile programming.

It works well with teams of disassociated programmers that all have different talents. As we move away from single programmers and work as teams these techniques will become more and more prevalent.

As I mentioned earlier OOP originated decades ago but really didn't take on a world of its own until C++ came out.

Other programming techniques are coming out now that solidify the idea that MVC (or similar structure) is the wave of the future. With Unit tests you can test the model and controller extensively without regard to the GUI.

MVC and OOP are two things that are being pushed a lot in school now. For great reasons. And because of those and other technologies coming out they allow for powerful unit test systems and other such things to develop. I used to be close minded like you about these things until I actually started using them in classwork and saw the over all picture. MVC might be a stepping stone to something else but it certainly is not a fad any more than C++ or OOP is. Other technologies may be developed that can offer the same power but easier to use but this doesn't mean they were a fad. They just got upgraded.

We can look at C and it is certainly not a fad...

It was more or less replaced with C++ but you still see programs written in C. C++ has been simplified and expanded in systems such as Java and C# but this doesn't mean that C or C++ are fads and both are still viable languages although C++ takes more line of code to do the job and C takes even more.

Its all about teamwork and keeping things simple.

There is no room for "artistic" coding in large team oriented programming projects.

So as I said, one needs to evolve if they are going to work in a team environment or be left out. Will you find work? Sure... But you will not be considered a team player.


Re: Site down after server change absolut path

Glad I could help.. Sometimes we just need someone to turn the light on for us. ;)

Re: Site down after server change absolut path

Remember that in Linux or Windows if you do NOT start with a / as the front of the path name the file or path are related to the current path. To insure you have the correct path name you should NOT assume you are starting in the right path and need to enter this into your paths.

Not knowing your site setup it is likely the web user account is starting in its "home" directory so what you list is not going to work.

Assuming the WWW home directory is actually:


Then your actual pathnames as you have them entered would be:


So this is probably not what you want.

Assuming your main directory is / you would need to put that in your configuration like this:


Just make sure that you use the absolute file path to your website in these lines. Which means on Linux it needs to start with / or with windows it might be something like C:\www

Beyond that you should NEVER use /root or / as a webserver accessible directory. This is extremly insecure and allows anyone accessing the site through the webserver to access any of the subdirectories if the site security is bypassed.

Your error is telling you where it is looking for your site.

Your main site should be in the directory:

So if you copy your files to that directory and then make sure you change your main file entries to match you should be set. You will need to also delete all of the files in your cache directories (Other than index.html) and you may need to delete all of the entries in the sessions table or you will have issues because the file paths have changed.

SO in other words your mainfile should have lines like this in it:


Re: MVC vs. C++ Class/Include structure & XOOPS

Simon, while MVC forces you to think differently it is a new way of doing things and for good reason is the way of the future. You need to change your methods or be left behind. When working in a team it allows you to separate the different sections of code and have different programmers with different expertise work on their areas without affecting other stuff. With Xoops you can see its power with the use of a Templating system. The big difference between the current Xoops system and a true MVC is that Xoops still mixes the Model and Controller into the code where as with 2.6 there has been much progress in removing the View.

Unlike programming I am used to in the late 80's early 90's where you had to fit as much code into 16K of ram initially for a basic program, today's computers have much more space available. By separating out the code you are making maintenance on the program much easier and someone else reading the code much easier. Sure it will make more lines of code but this is not a bad thing. In this age of compilers and caching of code and such it doesn't matter. The compiler or cache engine will convert the code into a useable piece of code for its use. It won't care if you use MVP, Procedural, OOP or any combination.

And regardless of your view, "beautiful" Spaghetti code is still Spaghetti code that is hard to maintain and to understand. Another item that as programmers we hate to do is to document what we are doing or follow standards. These are inconvenient at the time and seem like more work. But in the end it saves you work on your debugging and later maintenance.

New programmers that have never had to worry about fitting their code into a small memory space are not likely to worry about such things but really, MVC is about maintainability, structural integrity, self documentation/simplifying of code and MVC code is generally much easier to reuse.

Another aspect of MVC code is that it allows the use of Unit testing. With Unit tests you can run code in the Model and the Controller without regard to how it will look and fully test the engine of your code and make sure it runs well. Any programmer that is worth their salt will embrace unit tests once they understand how they work and why they are a good thing. Again it seem like a waste but in the end things such as unit tests and MVC save LOTS of time during the Maintenance stage of a programs life cycle.

MVC is a very important progression in programming technology and if anything will likely be split out further with the addition of unit tests being standard. This and other new technologies such as "Agile development" and team based programming are the future and if you don't learn about them and embrace them you will be left behind as less experienced programmers and less talented will be able to program circles around you because they will have much more free time.

You have to get away from worrying about the length of code. There are also studies you can do about the complexity of code. There is a ratio that some development tools can do to determine how complex your code is. This can incorporate "creative" programming techniques that seem like a good idea at the time but can be difficult to figure out later. Just because you can combine everything into one line instead of 10 lines doesn't mean it is a good idea. Also as can be seen by module developers upgrading old PHP 4 based modules, spreading common code throughout your code base may seem like a good idea at the time but isolating it into classes and building an MVC type environment can actually make future upgrades much easier because all of the related code is in one place instead of spread out throughout the code.

When OOP came out there were some hardline programmers that said it was a fad. That procedural programming was the way to do things and OOP was stupid. It is more complex and harder to understand. But if we look today pretty much every language has moved to OOP and as much away from procedural as possible. There still exist languages such as PHP and some others that you can do both in but it is impossible for you to program in languages such as C# or Java without using OOP.

Re: Xoops 2.6.0 alpha 3 issues

Yes you are correct. I had this same issue but it actually appeared when I installed Composer. You need to remove the comment for the Openssl prior to installing Composer or it will give an error while installing.

So Mamba if that is a youtube video you might want to comment that at the bottom of the video.

I tried to ignore the error when I installed composer but I had the issue you mentioned. Then I went back and removed the comment and reinstalled composer and it installed without issue.

Linux will likely be different but it would be a good idea to add that..

(I will make sure I make note of it in the document I am changing.)

Looks like due to class work I may not have the word document to Richard until later in the week. I am getting bogged down with class work getting ready for my finals next week but one of my classmates is going to help me through the issues I had with Word so I will try to get this done as quickly as I can.

Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Xoops 2.6.0 alpha 3 issues

Good job Mamba! I was going to try doing that but apparently my capture software is not compatible with Windows 8.1 or something is incompatible with something.

Still working on the tutorial but having a classmate help me with figuring out my Word issues tomorrow. This is my last week of classes and Finals within 10 days so I am trying to get this done before the weekend at the latest.

Anyhow sorry I haven't finished it yet but it is a bit more work than I expected.

Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Xoops 2.6.0 alpha 3 issues

Yes, I am modifying the install documentation to show the installation for 2.6. I am fighting with Word right now to get things lined up. The configuration steps are a little different than they were so I am making it match and use pictures from the current 2.6 installation. I even have screen shots of using composer and what you should get.

If I can figure out how to use the index and TOC I will be done with it in short order.

I think only the first few pages are changed so hopefully once I get this figured out it will go smoothly and I can have it to Richard for review on Sunday. I need to learn Word better for sure..

Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Xoops 2.6.0 alpha 3 issues

Ok tatane, if you don't actually read the messages and follow what is said we can not help you. The message I left spelled out exactly what you need to do. If you can not follow those directions then I am not sure there is much else we can do to help you with this.

You have composer installed.. As mentioned in a prior message you need to change to your xoops_lib directory while in a command line. If you do a directory listing you will see there is a composer.json file in that directory. This file is what is read to setup the installation.

Once you are in this directory you run the "composer install" command and you are done.

Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Xoops 2.6.0 alpha 3 issues

I will let Richard talk about the composer stuff when he gets a chance or Mamba but you need to have composer installed into your PHP system. I am unsure if the release version of Xoops will require composer or not. My personal feeling is the install package should contain everything needed but I don't know enough about composer or the final plans for Xoops 2.6.

Go HERE and follow the directions for your system to install composer into your PHP system.

Once installed then you have to go to the xoops_lib directory in a command line and run composer in that directory. The composer.json file in that directory will install all of the required libraries that are not currently included in the Alpha version.

It creates the Vender directory and installs all of your required libraries.
Once you have this vender directory you can copy the directory into other installations and skip the composer steps for the other installations.

Composer can be used to automatically update those libraries to the latest versions as well.

Again, I don't know how the release version of this will be and if it will require composer or not. It works very simply once installed however.

Also these directions are given in the git repository. Read the README.md file.

I will quote it here:

Developer Installation

To participate in XOOPS development, fork this repository on GitHub.

Pull your fork to your development environment.

To install this version you will need Composer. You can get it

From the htdocs/xoops_lib folder run:

composer install

if you are installing for the first time. Otherwise run:

composer update

This should download some required libraries that XOOPS depends on.

Now you can proceed with a standard XOOPS install.

When your changes are complete and tested, send us a Pull Request
on GitHub and we will take a look.
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

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