Thank you CBlue,
I understand what you are saying...Yes it might be possible to do with the actual theme design...allthough I would prefer to do it as an actual block that could be controlled through the admin panel.
As of now I have used the left center block as a block placed in a precise location of my page. It works nicely but now I'm thinking I would like to utlize the left center block in the content as well (so I could have two blocks besides eache other)
If one could do something in the theme such as:
In the header:
<{forFIRST item=block from=$xoops_crblocks}> <{$block.content}>
and then in the main center column:
<{forTHEFOLLOWING item=block from=$xoops_crblocks}> <{$block.content}>
Then I could always make sure I had that desired block in the header and the rest of the blocks in their respective order would appear after...
Do you follow what I am saying?
Here's my development site. You can see that I have implemented a random image as a liquid background as the crblocks. But that as dissabled me from using those blocks in the center column.
http://www.flagstaffbiking.org/index.php(this is my first XOOPS site)
The current page (in the root) is just too diifcult to maintain... That's why XOOPS!
Thank you for any advice! Developer's welcome! *smile*