Re: Need update query help

wow - you gave us all of 5½ hours..

looks fine to me, a few points, though:

1) Instead of getting the db through the galleryimage_handler, just go $xoopsDB

2) If you are getting all your variables from POST, you don't need the queryF, but just normal query. If, on the other hand, you do have oldname and newname in GET statements (which I wouldn't recommend) queryF is the correct one to use

Good luck

Re: Some help with xoops

Administration Menu -> System Admin -> Preferences -> General Preferences -> Module for your start page: Select News

How do you want your XOOPS to look like? What's your site URL so we can take a look?


Re: dynamic sub-menus - proposal to change xoops menus

With register globals = on, I assume

Re: dynamic sub-menus - proposal to change xoops menus

I think what Mrgym wants is a menu with submenus, depending on the user status/groups.

I could use it myself for my Team Module. For anonymous users, there should only be links to Rosters and Matches - but for registered users (who are on a team) there should also be a link to the Tactics section. I have solved that with a module block - but it would be nice with it integrated in the main menu to avoid multiple navigation menus.

Re: Game Tournement Team Score (etc) module

Did you try and take a look at my Team Module - I think it does what you ask for.

It Features:
- Multiple Team Administration
- Roster Management + Profiles
- Match Management
- Availability Management + stats
- Position Overview per Team and per Match
- Tactics Section per team
- Lineups per match, based on Tactics if available
- Navigation Block
- Notification on new matches and when lineups are set
- Custom number of maps per match (set per team)
- Custom ranks

Take a look at my test site and see if you like it, but wait a few days before you download it, I'm about to make a new release with some bugfixes.

Edit: Are you looking for a Team management module? Or a LEAGUE management module? mine's the first...

Re: Game Tournement Team Score (etc) module

What do you want the module to be able to do?

Re: WebSlave Project - a project managment tool

Created the table ws_restrictions, which was missing somehow.

Now I can add restrictions etc. but when I go to edit the tasks to assign a user to it, it gives me:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ruffdesigns.co.uk/web_users/Mithrandir/modules/wsproject/class/core.php on line 1794

Line 1794 being:
$this->__data['user_name'] = $user->getVar('uname');

Re: WebSlave Project - a project managment tool

Anyone recognize what i am facing here?

Erhm... yes... like two posts before

Re: WebSlave Project - a project managment tool

I have the latest version with the wrong sql statement. I corrected that (removed the "xoops_") and updated the module and found out how to be able to edit tasks (didn't notice that I had to set the groups in the preferences again)

I now have the problem that I cannot assign groups to a project meaning that I cannot assign users to a task. I go to edit task, select the groups I wanna add, press "Update" and it refreshes without updating.

It's not a big problem, but I like the "assign task to..." feature

Re: WebSlave Project - a project managment tool

I downloaded the files, uploaded them to the server, updated the module in preferences and fired it up.

Now, the link for "Add Task" is dead and from the "Active Projects" page, there are no links to the individual projects.

From the main module page, the tasks are listed and the links to the individual projects are there, but when I click on it (eg. with the URL modules/wsproject/index.php?op=showproject&project_id=2)

I get to the "Active Projects" page.

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