Re: 2.5 user profile permissions
  • 2010/11/25 17:18

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

Hallo there. I'm having some trouble with profile module.

First of all i added a new user group. And then i created a user for that group.

Even though i had set the basic permissions in group access and in profile module, the user of this new group could not see his own profile details. It just shows the edit buttons and nothing more. Visibility permissions should be set seperatelly!

Shouldn't it be by default that every user CAN see his own profile details no matter what group he belongs to?

Also a button to have one group inherit another groups permisions would be handy, as the way we have to set them up right now is not very handy.


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Re: XOOPS 2.5 Final - Bug Report - Modules visibility
  • 2010/11/15 14:05

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

also in modules administration, when i disable the visibility of some modules in the main menu and rearrange their order, they become visible again.
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Re: json_encode and Xoops problem
  • 2010/11/9 11:12

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

Still, the problem exists. It's not the common.php, its the api.php of xlanguage that does this...

Re: json_encode and Xoops problem...solved???
  • 2010/11/8 22:52

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

hallo again, after digging out a lil bit i came across an include in common.php.
In common.php there is an inclusion of xlanguage/api.php which turns out to be the cause of the problem.

in api.php lines 95 and 97 is the following code



and thats where the whole thing was messing up.

What i did to fix this is...

on the begining of my function to show the data test() i added the following line


now the data is showing as expected.

My question to this is: Is this the correct way of treating this error/bug??

Should this be happening? Is there another way, perhaps more optimized/correct to fix this?


json_encode and Xoops problem
  • 2010/11/8 20:18

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

hallo there,

i'm trying to pass an array to js and i have come to the following problem.

if i create a function as the following


function test()
$test_arr = array();


$test_arr[$i]['id'] = $i;
$test_arr[$i]['name'] = "name".$i;
$test_arr[$i]['desc'] = "desc".$i;

$test_arr[$i]['img'] = "img".$i;

echo json_encode($test_arr);

in a plain php file it works like a charm.
if i include the mainfile.php of xoops on top of this function, i come up with a blank page. It only works for i<100.

If i just echo the array it works no matter what $i is.

It only fails on json_encode and for $i >100 WITH the mainfile.php included...

I tried with and without protector and it still doesn work.

Any ideas on what could cause such a weird behaviour?


Re: Repeated module incompatibility with xoops upgrades
  • 2010/8/18 12:22

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

I think the point of BeautyBrains and the main problem is the initial selection of modules for a website.

He is right, there is a lot of dead modules that dont work anymore in the download area.

There should be some kind of way to distinguish the modules that are working and are still maintained by anyboydy if not the originall developer. So that users will now that those are the modules working 99% as expected and are written in xoops standards.

Perhaps modules could have a 'xoops certification badge', so that users could identify them right away. (just an idea)

i've been around since 2004-2005 or so and have seen the tremendous work of the community. The problems and the sloaps that xoops had to overcome in order to become what it is today.
It is not easy to develop such a project. I think that xoops survived to this day cause of a few that really believed and still believe in it.

It is also not a secret that sometimes xoops is being developed with no backward compatibility whatsoever. I understand that occasionally this must happen in order to move on. php4 to php5 for example. But compatibility is a feature tha should not been taken lightly.

There are a few topics around here by people complaining or frustrated with this. That means there is a gap between the developers opinion and the users.

For example the preloaders is said to be depreceated in the future. So module developers are suggested not to use them.

I'm fine with that but i think there should be a function or something included somewhere in the next versions of xoops that will still support them, at least for a few versions of xoops for the modules that are already using them.

I dont want to start a conversation regarding preloaders.Its just an example.

This way everybody will be able to upgrade (especially if there are security issues in the core), without having to worry if their current modules will work with the new version of xoops.

Moreover it will lift the weight of the module developers of updating as soon as possible to maintain compatibility. It will give them the chance to explore the new features and adapt without being in a hurry. Thus avoiding rush mistakes and one upgrade after the other.

I understand why BeautyBrains is frustrated, and I also understand the amount of work and coordination needed to develop such a project, run the website, write/read the forum, inspect the modules etc. so far so good thanks to a lot of people. I agree Xoops still needs some work to catch up with other cmss on some aspects, but as far as i'm concerned there is no need to hurry. To things simple, stable and as compatible as you can but the end-users should be aware of any incopatibilities (modules). Clearly. To help them build a site with less research and headaches.

I feel like i've been writting this forever!!! :)
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Re: Facebook connect widget
  • 2010/7/17 19:30

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

thanks mate! i was looking on a different widget...!
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Facebook connect widget
  • 2010/7/17 17:31

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

hi all, anybody could tell me if there is a module installed here on xoops.org to show the last block in the middle column? the one with the facebook like button?

If not any guidelines to do it? I only found info for showing the like button! Cant seem to find how to show the user thumbnails.

thanks in advance

Re: xcgal 2.02 lightbox
  • 2010/7/17 16:37

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

i'm using the 2.05 version. It deosnt seem to have any problems with thickbox. The only one i had was that the image wasnt displayed if i used the watermark feature. It gave me a bunch of code instead.

If anyone has this problem i downloaded the normal version of thickbox.js (not the minified) and made a few changes to the code.

Just copy and paste the code below and the thickbox will display your photos correctly with the watermark

* Thickbox 3.1 - One Box To Rule Them All.
* By Cody Lindley (http://www.codylindley.com)
* Copyright (c) 2007 cody lindley
* Licensed under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

var tb_pathToImage = "js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif";
/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! edit below this line at your own risk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/

//on page load call tb_init
tb_init('a.thickbox, area.thickbox, input.thickbox');//pass where to apply thickbox
imgLoader = new Image();// preload image
imgLoader.src = tb_pathToImage;

//add thickbox to href & area elements that have a class of .thickbox
function tb_init(domChunk){
var t = this.title || this.name || null;
var a = this.href || this.alt;
var g = this.rel || false;
return false;

function tb_show(caption, url, imageGroup) {//function called when the user clicks on a thickbox link

try {
if (typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") {//if IE 6
$("body","html").css({height: "100%", width: "100%"});
if (document.getElementById("TB_HideSelect") === null) {//iframe to hide select elements in ie6
}else{//all others
if(document.getElementById("TB_overlay") === null){

$("#TB_overlay").addClass("TB_overlayMacFFBGHack");//use png overlay so hide flash
$("#TB_overlay").addClass("TB_overlayBG");//use background and opacity

");//add loader to the page
$('#TB_load').show();//show loader

var baseURL;
if(url.indexOf("?")!==-1){ //ff there is a query string involved
baseURL = url.substr(0, url.indexOf("?"));
baseURL = url;

var urlString = /\.jpg$|\.jpeg$|\.png$|\.gif$|\watermark.php$|\.bmp$/;
var urlType = baseURL.toLowerCase().match(urlString);

if(urlType == '.jpg' || urlType == '.jpeg' || urlType == '.png' || urlType == '.gif' || urlType == '.bmp' || urlType=='watermark.php'
){//code to show images
TB_PrevCaption = "";
TB_PrevURL = "";
TB_PrevHTML = "";
TB_NextCaption = "";
TB_NextURL = "";
TB_NextHTML = "";
TB_imageCount = "";
TB_FoundURL = false;
TB_TempArray = $("a[@rel="+imageGroup+"]").get();
for (TB_Counter = 0; ((TB_Counter < TB_TempArray.length) && (TB_NextHTML === "")); TB_Counter++) {
var urlTypeTemp = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].href.toLowerCase().match(urlString);
if (!(TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].href == url)) {
if (TB_FoundURL) {
TB_NextCaption = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].title;
TB_NextURL = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].href;
TB_NextHTML = "  Next >";
} else {
TB_PrevCaption = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].title;
TB_PrevURL = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].href;
TB_PrevHTML = "  < Prev";
} else {
TB_FoundURL = true;
TB_imageCount = "Image " + (TB_Counter + 1) +" of "+ (TB_TempArray.length);

imgPreloader = new Image();
imgPreloader.onload = function(){
imgPreloader.onload = null;

// Resizing large images - orginal by Christian Montoya edited by me.
var pagesize = tb_getPageSize();
var x = pagesize[0] - 150;
var y = pagesize[1] - 150;
var imageWidth = imgPreloader.width;
var imageHeight = imgPreloader.height;
if (imageWidth > x) {
imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth);
imageWidth = x;
if (imageHeight > y) {
imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight);
imageHeight = y;
} else if (imageHeight > y) {
imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight);
imageHeight = y;
if (imageWidth > x) {
imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth);
imageWidth = x;
// End Resizing

TB_WIDTH = imageWidth + 30;
TB_HEIGHT = imageHeight + 60;
$("#TB_window").append(""+caption+"" + "
" + TB_imageCount + TB_PrevHTML + TB_NextHTML + "


if (!(TB_PrevHTML === "")) {
function goPrev(){
tb_show(TB_PrevCaption, TB_PrevURL, imageGroup);
return false;

if (!(TB_NextHTML === "")) {
function goNext(){
tb_show(TB_NextCaption, TB_NextURL, imageGroup);
return false;


document.onkeydown = function(e){
if (e == null) { // ie
keycode = event.keyCode;
} else { // mozilla
keycode = e.which;
if(keycode == 27){ // close
} else if(keycode == 190){ // display previous image
if(!(TB_NextHTML == "")){
document.onkeydown = "";
} else if(keycode == 188){ // display next image
if(!(TB_PrevHTML == "")){
document.onkeydown = "";

$("#TB_window").css({display:"block"}); //for safari using css instead of show

imgPreloader.src = url;
}else{//code to show html

var queryString = url.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/,'');
var params = tb_parseQuery( queryString );

TB_WIDTH = (params['width']*1) + 30 || 630; //defaults to 630 if no paramaters were added to URL
TB_HEIGHT = (params['height']*1) + 40 || 440; //defaults to 440 if no paramaters were added to URL
ajaxContentW = TB_WIDTH - 30;
ajaxContentH = TB_HEIGHT - 45;

if(url.indexOf('TB_iframe') != -1){// either iframe or ajax window
urlNoQuery = url.split('TB_');
if(params['modal'] != "true"){//iframe no modal
close or Esc Key
}else{//iframe modal
}else{// not an iframe, ajax
if($("#TB_window").css("display") != "block"){
if(params['modal'] != "true"){//ajax no modal
close or Esc Key
}else{//ajax modal
}else{//this means the window is already up, we are just loading new content via ajax
$("#TB_ajaxContent")[0].style.width = ajaxContentW +"px";
$("#TB_ajaxContent")[0].style.height = ajaxContentH +"px";
$("#TB_ajaxContent")[0].scrollTop = 0;


if(url.indexOf('TB_inline') != -1){
$("#TB_ajaxContent").append($('#' + params['inlineId']).children());
$("#TB_window").unload(function () {
$('#' + params['inlineId']).append( $("#TB_ajaxContent").children() ); // move elements back when you're finished
}else if(url.indexOf('TB_iframe') != -1){
if($.browser.safari){//safari needs help because it will not fire iframe onload
$("#TB_ajaxContent").load(url += "&random=" + (new Date().getTime()),function(){//to do a post change this load method
tb_init("#TB_ajaxContent a.thickbox");


document.onkeyup = function(e){
if (e == null) { // ie
keycode = event.keyCode;
} else { // mozilla
keycode = e.which;
if(keycode == 27){ // close

} catch(e) {
//nothing here

//helper functions below
function tb_showIframe(){

function tb_remove() {
if (typeof document.body.style.maxHeight == "undefined") {//if IE 6
$("body","html").css({height: "auto", width: "auto"});
document.onkeydown = "";
document.onkeyup = "";
return false;

function tb_position() {
$("#TB_window").css({marginLeft: '-' + parseInt((TB_WIDTH / 2),10) + 'px', width: TB_WIDTH + 'px'});
if ( !(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 7)) { // take away IE6
$("#TB_window").css({marginTop: '-' + parseInt((TB_HEIGHT / 2),10) + 'px'});

function tb_parseQuery ( query ) {
var Params = {};
if ( ! query ) {return Params;}// return empty object
var Pairs = query.split(/[;&]/);
for ( var i = 0; i < Pairs.length; i++ ) {
var KeyVal = Pairs[i].split('=');
if ( ! KeyVal || KeyVal.length != 2 ) {continue;}
var key = unescape( KeyVal[0] );
var val = unescape( KeyVal[1] );
val = val.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
Params[key] = val;
return Params;

function tb_getPageSize(){
var de = document.documentElement;
var w = window.innerWidth || self.innerWidth || (de&&de.clientWidth) || document.body.clientWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight || self.innerHeight || (de&&de.clientHeight) || document.body.clientHeight;
arrayPageSize = [w,h];
return arrayPageSize;

function tb_detectMacXFF() {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (userAgent.indexOf('mac') != -1 && userAgent.indexOf('firefox')!=-1) {
return true;

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Re: xoops chat integration (like facebook) ?
  • 2010/6/24 20:17

  • kerkyra

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 553

  • Since: 2005/2/14

hi i've installed the module and it gives me lots of white pages due to protector, probably...any ideas?
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