Re: Still unable to get 2.2.3 final to register new members!

Maybe your problem is in /mainfile.php. Open it and make sure that the variables are set properly to point to your site.

Hope this helps

Re: How do I add the menu button in header bar?

Is the problem that you add the link but doesn't show up? or doesn't show up as you expected?

If your problem is the first case, make sure that in System Admin > Preferences > General Settings the option "Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?" is set to Yes.

Hope this helps

Re: some searches trigger 403

I found my anser in the host's (Surpass) support forums. They seem to be using some appache mod that causes the problem. Adding the following code to the .htaccess fixes it:

SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

go figure...

Re: some searches trigger 403

This is really strange.

I've narrowed the problem to any search that includes the string "psy".

Whether it's a regular search, or user search.

I can search my users, but can't send them emails if in the search results a user's name contains "psy"...

Could it be my xoops, or is it the server?

I don't get a php or MySQL error, I get a flat our 403 error...

Do you think I should contact my host?

Any guess will be welcomed.

some searches trigger 403

I've been having weird problems lately.

I tried to delete some inactive users, but all I get is this message:


You don't have permission to access /modules/system/admin.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.34 Server at XXXXXXXXXXXX Port 80

I was able to delete some, but after a point, I kept getting that error. I'm able to use the admin interface, but not delete or send emails.

Then I got a message from a user that's getting the same error message, but instead of /modules/system/admin.php is /search.php.

The weirdest thing is that it only happens when you search for the word "psych", any other word will yield results as expected (I've tried several terms).

I ran a check of my database and the only problem seems to be:

warning : Auto-increment value: 0 is smaller than max used value: 36
status : OK

Any ideas?

Re: problems on custom block

You can put them anywhere as long as you put the full path to them in your block:


Start from / to start from root.

Re: text hidden...

Can you post the actual theme template code? The theme.html part that has the Contenu part.

Re: More than one module on start page?

You need a different module. Like Spotlight, for example.

Re: After login there comes a new forum

Do you mean some forum posts are visible only for some users?

I don't know about that, but I do know that you can hide some of the forum blocks by going to the groups priveleged under the sys admin interface.

hope this helps

Re: ?? in firefox

There are tons of scripts out there you can use (just google marquee script).

Check this one out:

Scroll down to simple marquee (under document effects).

You should consider just making it a flash movie, that would be what I would do.

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