Re: Accidently Deleted Mainfile.php
  • 2006/6/20 3:46

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

mainfile.dist.php is meant to be a backup for mainfile.php. make a copy of it and rename it mainfile.php.

That doesnt work... mainfile.dist.php is an "empty" mainfile used as a template by the installer.

If you lost mainfile.php there are two solutions to make it again:
1) Make a copy of mainfile.dist.php as you said and after that edit it to fill the values manually
2) Re-upload the /install folder to the server, relaunch the installer, enter the correct values when asked, continue the installation until the "mainfile generation" page (I think it's the one that says something like "generating constants" but I'm not sure), and stop the install procedure here: the installer should have re-generated a fresh new mainfile.php

Re: Liquid centered theme
  • 2006/6/19 22:49

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

You can test the presence of the left/right columns, and change your columns container class according to this. I did that in my Zeta Reticuli theme:
<{if $xoBlocks.canvas_left and $xoBlocks.canvas_right}>
assign var=columns_layout value='threecolumns-layout'}>
assign var=columns_layout value='leftcolumn-layout'}>
assign var=columns_layout value='rightcolumn-layout'}>
div class="<{$columns_layout}>">
write columns and center as usual ....

(please note that this is for 2.0.14, you have to change the name of the variables you test in older versions: $xoBlocks.canvas_left was $xoops_lblocks in 2.0.13, and $xoBlocks.canvas_right was $xoops_rblocks).

Then you can make several CSS rules that ensure the center column is displayed correctly (you won't need the same rules depending on the method you use to get a CSS based layout, but it's for you to get the idea):
#centercolumn {
leftcolumn-layout #centercolumn, .threecolumns-layout #centercolumn {
padding-left:    170px;
rightcolumn-layout #centercolumn, .threecolumns-layout #centercolumn {
padding-right:        190px;

Re: the utf-8 problem in preg_replace function
  • 2006/6/17 21:37

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

I found that here, on the pattern modifiers PHP manual page.

Actually, there are a lot of comments on this page about UTF-8, you may find the solution to your problem there.

Re: Xoops reboots my Apache... help!
  • 2006/6/16 15:27

  • leostotch

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- Try to use PHP 4.4.2 (segfaults can also be due to bugs in PHP itself)
- If the problem is really due to the xoops/bbcode stuff, try other versions of the TextSanitizer class (ie: get the 2.0.13/2.0.14 one and see it that changes something)
- Looking in that class: the "code" tag handling is weird, see if disabling this tag (by commenting the appropriate regexp) changes something

Apart from this I don't know... I'd be a bit lot if I were in your place.

Re: put js codes between head tags
  • 2006/6/14 18:37

  • leostotch

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I you're using XOOPS 2.0.14, you can add this on top of mylinks_singlelink.html:



$xoTheme->addScript('','','window.alert("it works")')}>

If you change the module template directly, then don't forget to "update" the module in the modules admin afterward. However if you just want to do this for a site of yours, I think you should put all this in your theme instead:

- copy mylinks_singlelink.html to themes/yourtheme/modules/mylinks/mylinks_singlelink.html
- add your customfile.js file in this folder
- add the above code to the template copy

Re: the utf-8 problem in preg_replace function
  • 2006/6/14 16:35

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

With no guarantee at all: I've read the preg functions have better utf support in recent PHP versions.
This modifier turns on additional functionality of PCRE that is incompatible with Perl. Pattern strings are treated as UTF-8. This modifier is available from PHP 4.1.0 or greater on Unix and from PHP 4.2.3 on win32. UTF-8 validity of the pattern is checked since PHP 4.3.5.

So you may want to try adding this modifier to the regexp:
$search_term "/b$term_qb/i";
// change to
$search_term "/b$term_qb/iu";

Re: Installation failed
  • 2006/6/11 22:04

  • leostotch

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And maybe check that you uploaded all files correctly at the same time: it looks like some are missing (this is the cause for all the "failed opening" messages you got)

Re: Groupform Hack for CenterDown Blocks for Xoops 2.0.14-RC1
  • 2006/6/11 8:25

  • leostotch

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Forgive me, I wrote this after waking up and my half-closed eyes didn't see your second post

Re: Groupform Hack for CenterDown Blocks for Xoops 2.0.14-RC1
  • 2006/6/11 6:22

  • leostotch

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Personnally, I'm using the "official" fix without problems (the one from SVN).
Here's what I did:
- I did not touch groupform.php
- I downloaded the updated class/xoopsblock.php that is available here

And that fixed it... As a sidenote, and although I'm a bit more than an "end-user", using fixes I need right now is something I've been doing for weeks, and that never required me to learn using SVN: I just subscribed to the mailing-list, and when I see the fix I need, go to the web interface to download the correct file (to browse a website and click on download is something I'm quite good at )

Re: Xoops reboots my Apache... help!
  • 2006/6/9 11:28

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

If apache reboots, your connection is reset... they are not separate issues, but cause and effect.

If this happens on heavy items and can kinda get solved by short-circuiting the template engine (which is one of the most heavy class in use), I'd bet for a memory issue.
Wouldn't you have different settings for the PHP memory_limit (maybe the default 8M on your test server, and 16M on the production machine) ?

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