I'm using XOOPS 2.2.3 (a bit modified) & News 1.44, WinXP Pro, Apache 1.3.35, PHP 4.4.1.
I've noticed that with HTML-heavy news items, XOOPS will restart my Apache completely and I'll get a Server Reset Connection. No errors in Apache & PHP logs, nothing from Xoops.
After much tracing, I found the "error" in the xTheme.class, line 139 in my version:
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl'] = &$this->tplEngine;
If I delete the ampersand, it will not restart the Apache server, but obviously I'll get an empty news item since it doesn't pass the engine by reference.
Upgrading to PHP5 didn't help. Curiously, the same DB and files work perfectly in our preduction server (RHL4, Apache 1.3.34 & PHP 4.4.2).
Any ideas?. It's not exactly critical, since its for a testing machine, but I don't have the time right now to migrate it to a linux box right now :(