Re: Need recommendations on modules to use (content, forum, downloads)
  • 2005/3/25 0:38

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

Thanks :)

I've been checking out user sites and it looks like people have played around really well with the iContent and news modules to fit their needs quite well

I'll give them a try :)

One question though - is NewBB2 unreliable ? I see lots of problems being posted in the forums, so I'm a bit wary...

- joe

Need recommendations on modules to use (content, forum, downloads)
  • 2005/3/24 23:58

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


I am managing a website for a laboratory at Ohio State University. I need recommendations on different modules that will meet the neeeds of our website.

Simply, I need to know what module is best for creating different sections of a website and inserting content into separate pages.

For example, our old website is located here:


The topics section is where our articles over our activity is kept. Each research topic has its own separate page, and that's what I want to do with Xoops.

I've found that the other modules like to separate everything as an article, but I simply want to create sections and to insert my content into an independent page

Also, I would like to know what the best forum module is, because there seems to be multiple ones. If people can tell me which is most reliable, I'd appreciate it.

Lastly, I will be creating a download repository for programs from our laboratory. Can someone recommend a good downloads module ?


- Joe K

Re: Install successful, blank page, have error
  • 2005/3/24 13:28

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


Herko Coomans wrote:
The sessions extension is not something that comes with the most basic PHP4 installes by default?

I'm asking this because you're the first I know of that has reported this problem. If it doesn't come installed by default on BSD systems running PHP4, then we should indeed update the documentation with that information. If it does come installed by default, then this forum post should be sufficient to deal with those few who run into this problem.


Nope it doesn't. FreeBSD is awesome in many aspects, but sometimes you want to break your head open with it.

PHP4 extensions are installed separately in FreeBSD 4.11, BUT, the great thing is that the ports system takes care of the installation of selected extensions, as well as their dependencies and additional software needed

I had to install it separately, but after that, I was able to see the homepage finally !

If I have any further issues I'll post here :)

- Joe

Re: Install successful, blank page, have error
  • 2005/3/24 12:59

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

I needed to install the sessions extension for PHP4

I'm working on that now - if this works out, then I'll post an update here

I really really really encourage that someone updates the documentation for Xoops, as it is quite limited and outdated

Also, if the community is willing, documentation should be expanded to document problems with different OS's

Just something to think about :)

- Joe

Re: Install successful, blank page, have error
  • 2005/3/24 12:42

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

Just installed MySQL 4.1.10 (not to solve the problem, but to have a more recent version of MySQL)

Anyway, deleted all files, and copied all files from /html from the originally extracted copy of XOOPS to my directory, /usr/local/web

Checked that all files were transferred and applied the new patch released today

Ran installation successfully again, and bam ! Blank page. Awesome.

Anyway, after turning on debugging in common.php, got this awesome error again:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_set_save_handler() in /usr/local/web/include/common.php on line 184

And here is the line in /include/common.php that is pissing PHP4 off so much:

session_set_save_handler(array(&$sess_handler, 'open'), array(&$sess_handler, 'close'), array(&$sess_handler, 'read'), array(&$sess_handler, 'write'), array(&$sess_handler, 'destroy'), array(&$sess_handler, 'gc'));

So, anything I can do ?


- Joe

Re: Install successful, blank page, have error
  • 2005/3/24 12:11

  • riomx

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  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

I'm using the ports collection on FreeBSD to install PHP4, so it's not easy for me to install an older version of it

Would it be worthwhile to give PHP5 a try ?


- Joe

Re: Install successful, blank page, have error
  • 2005/3/24 10:53

  • riomx

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  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


Mithrandir wrote:
The session_set_save_handler() is a native PHP function. However, I could not find anything about it in the PHP manual, so I cannot say why it doesn't work or isn't defined at your end.

Damn, looks like I'm screwed then

Great :)

Re: Install successful, blank page, have error
  • 2005/3/24 10:51

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


Herko Coomans wrote:
Since it looks for a function that it can't find, I would recommend that you check to see if you have uploaded ALL the files in the distribution package's html/ folder. If you still get this error then, we'll need to look at other causes.


I extracted the files into a directory and copied all files and directories from /html into another directory that I cated in /usr/local

In other words, copied all files and directories from /html to /usr/local/web

I've compared all of the files and the subdirectories and all files seem to be present

Re: Install successful, blank page, have error
  • 2005/3/24 10:38

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24

By the way, I went with what the installation documents recommended and installed MySQL 3.23.58

Can I use and should I be using a higher version of MySQL ?

I had been using MySQL 4.x on my other server without a problem for other applications (eprints -> http://software.eprints.org)

- Joe

Install successful, blank page, have error
  • 2005/3/24 10:30

  • riomx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2005/3/24


I'm installing XOOPS for a laboratory in the engineering department of Ohio State University.

I went with XOOPS because the professional appearance really got my attention, and I'm hoping I can get some support here to help me provide this laboratory with a great site.

Everything was great after installation, but after doing this

3. If you can't get to the administration page, and don't want to mess with mysql, but don't mind messing with PHP, then edit the file "include/common.php". Near line 83, change "error_reporting(0);" to "error_reporting(E_ALL);".

as recommended in the "Why do I have a blank white page on my site?" FAQ, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_set_save_handler() in /include/common.php on line 184

Now, I hate being trite and needy, but geezus, I really do need help on this. I built a machine and worked hours to get Apache2, MySQL, PHP and other software ready to use Xoops, and I'm at my wit's end.

I would greatly appreciate some support on this, and I hope to be using XOOPS as soon as possible.

Thanks !


FreeBSD 4.11
Apache 2.0.53
MySQL 3.23.58
PHP 4.3.10 / register_globals = Off

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