Re: Oscommerce module problems with Mysql
  • 2005/10/10 15:50

  • luciano

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Bouncing this one because it's becoming a bit urgent Some help would be great!

Re: Montisblack Size
  • 2005/10/8 22:22

  • luciano

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Link is dead

Oscommerce module problems with Mysql
  • 2005/10/7 14:02

  • luciano

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 261

  • Since: 2003/11/3

I had XOOPS and Oscommerce working fine untill my host updated his MySQL version.

I get an error:

Klant Bestelling totaal Besteldatum Status Actie
1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-20, 20' at line 1

select o.orders_id, o.customers_name, o.payment_method, o.date_purchased, o.last_modified, o.currency, o.currency_value, s.orders_status_name, ot.text as order_total from orders o left join orders_total ot on (o.orders_id = ot.orders_id), orders_status s where o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id and s.language_id = '4' and ot.class = 'ot_total' order by o.orders_id DESC limit -20, 20

It seems that the new MySQL has a problem with the negative limit. All the suggestions from the Oscommerce site don't work so I try it here. I have the impression that most of the community members at Oscommerce are making their shop work by trial and error

According to OSC members the problem is in the split_page_results.php in the admin folder. Changing this file by adding some code that should prevent the negative output doesn't work.

Even clearing the complete split_page_results.php didn't help. Strange enough I still got the same error! that brought me to the conclusion that the error is somewhere else... but where? In orders.php: could be. But as I'm only a copy/paste guy I can't find it.

A helping hand would be great.

www.poink.be on new theme
  • 2005/9/25 13:16

  • luciano

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whttp://www.poink.be now on Obscene from Astonstreet... How does it look on firefox?



Re: google?
  • 2005/9/23 18:17

  • luciano

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dean: yep those highlighted words are also bothering me a bit... on the other had I'm sure that they will get me a huge CTR.

tzvook: I agree, unacceptable! I even talked to my laywer, but I havo no proof that there was anything on the account. The only thing I can do right now is to "spread the word". I even plan to set up a little website about this ripoff, wonder if it will get a good ranking

Re: google?
  • 2005/9/23 8:38

  • luciano

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Well, you didn't register through http://www.newhope-ghana.com didn't you. Grmbl?! Could have done some great things with 5USD

Re: google?
  • 2005/9/22 16:02

  • luciano

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I had a ctr of about 20%, on my other ads (tradedoubler, and some dutch systems) I have about 9%. Fair to say that I give free websites... and I have a lot of satisfied users

I just started using Adsense.

Of course they can't monitor these sites themselves, the point is that they can just block or filter the false clicks... Just closing an account is theft!

Some reliable systems: clicksor.com, tradedoubler.com.

Re: google?
  • 2005/9/22 11:47

  • luciano

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I earned about 20USD per day with Adsense... untill they closed my account. Just like that, I still had 260USD to receive. No prior notice, no warnings... nothing.

At the same time I got an explanaition by mail: "illegal clicks". Trust me, I didn't click on my own ads, neither did the freelancers... So I sent them an email to ask where those clicks were coming from, untill now I didn't get any answer.

Re: Looking for an affiliate solution
  • 2005/9/1 14:05

  • luciano

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Some years ago I did this by making a redirect page per affiliate. Each affiliate got a link to his unique page.

The affiliate only had to place the link on his page.

A visitor clicking on the link was brought to the redirect page and from that page to the landing page. The redirect pages showed up in my log, stats and thats it.

It shouldn't be so difficult to improve and automate the above system.

CatAds stops counting at 127 views
  • 2005/8/31 16:48

  • luciano

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Testing my new site http://www.autofan.be is just found out that CatAds is not counting more than 127 views. Does somebody know how that is possible?

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