Re: Issue accessing secure.php
  • 2012/6/18 18:01

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Ok thanks,

That doean't explain why I ended up with the folder changed to 700 instead of beeing 755. Surely it didn't come from XOOPS.


Issue accessing secure.php
  • 2012/6/16 10:17

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Hi all,

I am having some issue with a XOOPS website that I have inherited. If you can help please bear in mind that I am new to XOOPS and not fluent in web technologies in general.
I apologise in advance if my questions are trivial, I am going progressively through the documentation but my site is down for two days so the reason for my first posting.

I had a blank page and after going through this help page https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=80 I have managed to see a PHP error message telling me that

( ! ) Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/xoops_data/data/secure.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php/') in /web/php/mainfile.php on line 68

Now I have looked at the folder /xoops_data/data/ which is marked with permission 0700 the proprietary of this folder is unknown to me but belong to the group I belong, the end result is I can’t even access this folder as of now, I can only assume that secure.php is still inside.

1) Is there any reason for this folder to have been altered by XOOPS?
2) Do you thinks this change occurred outside of XOOPS scope, i.e. changed by the provider itself or due to malicious activity (pirates)?
3) Can someone briefly explain why XOOPS need this file and how it should be configured security wise? (appart the fact that it should be moved out of the webroot folder)
4) Any other suggestions to fix the issue apart of contacting the provider to give me access to this folder which I already did?

Thanks for your help


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