Re: News center block ahead of Recent Topics block
  • 2004/2/10 16:12

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

answering my own posts again... Well I simply removed the post from the top page section of the blocks part in preferences.
Now it only appears on its own calender linked page from the menu so that'll do for me :)

Re: News center block ahead of Recent Topics block
  • 2004/2/10 15:58

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

funnily i've done this but forgotten how I did it and now want to reverse the effect!
But your explanation although pointing me in the right direction, is not all that clear.
I did find this post [here] but that wasn't much help as I spent ages looking in the themes/lalala/theme.html file for this text and it wasn't there.

I have stuck a calender at the top of the centre block and now wish to remove it.
Any ideas to exactly where I would have to look would be good
Cheers Hal

Re: is there such a things as a new updates module?
  • 2004/2/4 14:01

  • hal9000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

well incase anyone is interested ive installed this module and it pretty much does everything I needed - apart from the personalisation but that's for another day.

Renamed the module and some other bits and its now called updates and fits in quite nicely.. Took a while to work out how to remove some of the updated sections bits but you basically remove them from the plugins folder and that's that.
Shame there is no obvious way to alter the order it lists the sections but maybe that's guna be in a later version

if you want to see what it looks like click here

Re: is there such a things as a new updates module?
  • 2004/2/4 13:16

  • hal9000

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  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

cheers I'll give it a go

is there such a things as a new updates module?
  • 2004/2/3 16:46

  • hal9000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

currently my site goes to the news page as I'm sure many XOOPS sites do but I was thinking that what id like is for there to be a page that lists across the board (site) all the new content additions since the user last logged on. Does such a thing exists or would it be hard to hack together an item that would go under the main menu called for example 'Updates'
I know that you can have the last 5 posts or whatever from many content sections and stick em on the news page but I think this allthoug useful looks really messy

cheers for the good work

Re: What is Smarty? [more data]... (was: What is e-Xoops?)
  • 2003/10/16 14:07

  • hal9000

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  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

yup thats right unless you delete the contents of your template_c folder then it will show up as it has to generate a new cache.
I think thats right
its just a case of balancing the content that doesnt change much or at all with that that does
i had problems with myxoopsgallery until i realised this

Re: What is Smarty? [more data]...
  • 2003/10/7 11:39

  • hal9000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

Thats great you guys... it all makes sense now and i can see why you decided to adopt it.
(if it isnt id chuck that in the faq somewhere)
keep up the good work!

Re: What is e-Xoops?
  • 2003/10/6 10:47

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

thanks for clearing that up for me as i wondered what that was as well...
Maybe this is somethin you should add to a faq somewhere as i've used XOOPS for a while now and had no idea where to look for answers.
On another note what exactly is this smarty term all about.
I kinda guess i've used it as i've done some messing around with themes and stuff but i dont know 'exactly' what it is?

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