Re: system admin

normaly it haves cpanel ftp access but i don`t now login pass user!because the other webmasted didn`t gaved me the login details to ftp or cpanel anyhow i contacted the hosting maybe they will give me!
i didn`t changed no name!
i just updated the module and the name from disco-club-dj changed to discoteci
and i done that 100 times and update but he doesn`t recognize the path anymore of wfsection!
and some modules are not!they are blank!

Re: system admin

yeah sure it helps but the only it is i don`t have acces to the ftp and i cannot upload the files to the server so i can install them!normaly i administrate the site but i don`t have the ftp login..and the other webmaster that haves it is far away and i cannot get him because he haved his mariage and etc etc///
any other method?:>

Re: system admin

ok i turned the php-debug on
now what should i next?
i don`t have phpmyadmin
also the wfsection was named in my site:disco-club-dj
when i updated the module renamed to discoteci and is not working anymore!but normaly it exist....because i cannot install is saying the table allready exist!
what can i do?

Re: system admin

ok and how exactly i can do that?

system admin

if in system admin at modules i have instaled an module normaly with no name but i puted one name to it and i want to dezinstall
how can i do that?
location of the module:http://www.rodisco.com/iasi/modules//
not exist
i deselect him to not be active and pushed uninstall and it gives me this page but it`s not uninstaling:
normaly if a module exist and i want to dezinstall i deactivate the module and i uninstall
and is working..
but how can i uninstall and get ridd off an module that doesn`t exist but it`s there in system admin at modules?

Re: wfsection problem!

the name changed when i updated the module wfsection from system admin!
i updated all the modules but at wfsection he changed the name when i updated to discoteci!
at Administrare module
i have all the modules without wfsection!
and down i have some modules to install:
if i push to install discoteci it gives me this mesaje:
Module File for Discoteci Not Found!Module File for Not Found!
if i push install will install a module that doesnt not exist!
if i change this to:
it doesn`t shows me module not exist!

Apasa butonul de mai jos pentru instalarea modulului"
and is telling me that and if i right click discoteci it shows me:http://www.rodisco.com/iasi/modules/Discoteci/images/wfs_slogo.gif
instead of:http://www.rodisco.com/iasi/modules/wfsection/images/wfs_slogo.gif
if i push install it tells me that:
Installing Discoteci

Table 'xoops_wfs_article' already exists

Nu se poate instala wfsection. Erori:
wfesction cannot be insall.erors:
and is not telling me what errors!
p.s:any solution guys?pls help me!

how can i add here a picture or give am email and i will send an pic of the admin module maybe some one will help me more clearlyyyyyyyy

Re: wfsection problem!

so there is no other solution to fix that problem?

wfsection problem!

hello i`ve instaled all on my site and seemed to be fine!
till i updated wfsection and he change the name of wfsection from wfsection in discoteci!
i don`t have acces to this site i`m just webmaster!
i updated the module wfsection and he renamed the module to discoteci and is not working anymore!
and normaly the location is same but not discoteci is wfsection and is working
how can i rename to work again or what should i do?
the boss is far away i cannot contact him to corect the problem!
any can help?how can i rename it from discoteci in wfsection again that module without ftp access?!

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