the name changed when i updated the module wfsection from system admin!
i updated all the modules but at wfsection he changed the name when i updated to discoteci!
at Administrare module
i have all the modules without wfsection!
and down i have some modules to install:
if i push to install discoteci it gives me this mesaje:
Module File for Discoteci Not Found!Module File for Not Found!
if i push install will install a module that doesnt not exist!
http://www.rodisco.com/iasi/modules/system/admin.php?fct=modulesadmin&op=install&module=Discoteciif i change this to:
http://www.rodisco.com/iasi/modules/system/admin.php?fct=modulesadmin&op=install&module=wfsectionit doesn`t shows me module not exist!
Apasa butonul de mai jos pentru instalarea modulului"
and is telling me that and if i right click discoteci it shows me:http://www.rodisco.com/iasi/modules/Discoteci/images/wfs_slogo.gif
instead of:http://www.rodisco.com/iasi/modules/wfsection/images/wfs_slogo.gif
if i push install it tells me that:
Installing Discoteci
Table 'xoops_wfs_article' already exists
Nu se poate instala wfsection. Erori:
wfesction cannot be insall.erors:
and is not telling me what errors!
p.s:any solution guys?pls help me!
how can i add here a picture or give am email and i will send an pic of the admin module maybe some one will help me more clearlyyyyyyyy