Advert module
  • 2007/11/15 14:40

  • wellstuck

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2007/11/14

I want to have a section for people to advertise an item for sale/to rent. Is there something like this where each user could control their own page or would i just use the Userpage module for this, do you think Userpage would be the best add on for the job

Re: Can xoops modules do this?
  • 2007/11/15 13:08

  • wellstuck

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2007/11/14

I think i will use the download thing so cheers for that but i do want to install something like userpages but would like to see what it looks like first. For instance can non registered users see the userpages or is it locked to only members. Does anyone know of a site that uses userpages that i can see before adding this to my site?

Re: Is this a Vista problem
  • 2007/11/15 11:46

  • wellstuck

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2007/11/14

I will try that thanks. I must say i am getting used to the settings of this software after playing with it for a while and it is much better than previous software i have been using for years myphpnuke. Well done to the developers

Is this a Vista problem
  • 2007/11/15 8:59

  • wellstuck

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2007/11/14

Hi, I have just installed XOOPS and everything is running fine except for logging in on a vista pc. I created an admin account on one of my windows xp PC's and i created a user account on a vista pc. On my XP PC I can log in and out when i want but with my Vista PC I have trouble all of the time. Sometimes I cant log in and keep trying but it just redirects me to the log in page each time. If I leave it for a couple of hours and try again, I get in but it won't do it immediately. Is this a common problem or is there anything I can change?

Re: Can xoops modules do this?
  • 2007/11/14 21:47

  • wellstuck

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2007/11/14

thanks for that

Can xoops modules do this?
  • 2007/11/14 16:56

  • wellstuck

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2007/11/14

hi everyone, this is my first time on. I am looking to build a site that can allow members to advertise a product on their own personal page so other registered users and non registered users can view the products (like a yellow pages type thing) also I want to be able to allow registered users only to download files in a download section. I have looked for this and it doesnt seem to be in the main XOOPS software so i suppose it is an add on or a module? Can anyone recommend any add ons that they know are good that will help me achieve this

Thanks in advance

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