Ok. I tried to get some support on this forum - but did'n get any.
I have an odd problem(bug maybe)?
I'm using XOOPS 2.0.18.
Every thing is ok- BUT.
When i install some modules like: articles(1.03), smartSection(newest); wf-channels(newest), xoopsPolls, extGallery(newest)
i'm not able to make any changes in blocks(administration->blocks). When this modules are off everithing is ok.
When i click submit there is an info:
Sorry, you don't have the permission to access this area.
and i'm redirected to my homepage and i'm logged OFF!
In group menu as an administrator i have all chcekboxes tick on.
I made some test and install XOOPS on some free hoting. I did everithing like earlier and there was no problem.
So think it must be some problem with php/mysql or?
This is the configuration of the server where block problem occur:
Software server Apache/2.2.3 (Linux/SUSE)
PHP version 5.1.2
MySql version 5.0.26
System Vital
Canonical Hostname xenoes2linux.oswirlok.krakow.pl
Listening IP
Kernel Version (SMP)
Distro Name SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586)
Uptime 6 days 16 minutes
Current Users 1
Load Averages 0.00 0.00 0.00;
I can't change hosting/provider.
PLEAS help :)
I can give this whole phpinfo data someone needs.
No debug message at all...