Re: Why don't people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/6 20:43

  • BroHam

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  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Will look forward to your update on startlogic. Thanks for the info.
I don't know.

Re: Placing of blocks on the main page
  • 2007/6/6 3:00

  • BroHam

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  • Since: 2007/3/31

I'm not sure of the answer here, but are you not able to use the bottom blocks? Use the bottom center block with any weight which will display beneath all of the top blocks?
Or does your theme and/or content prevent you from doing that?
I don't know.

Re: Module as startpage without long url
  • 2007/6/5 20:28

  • BroHam

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  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Sounds like you need to redirect your domain forwarding to the specific module rather than the website as a whole.

Either that or go into the Admin panel and select which module you want to load as your homepage, i.e. system admin>Preferences>General settings..... 5th section down the list is a drop-down list of your modules.

All that does is make the module the site's top page. The "long url" issue remains.
I don't know.

Re: x_movie module installation help
  • 2007/6/5 20:20

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Sure enough, that block shows up when I am using your theme. I played with your theme and css, but I didn't get anywhere (big surprise), sorry.
Wish you luck with it.
For what it's worth, if you just decided to leave it as is, it isn't that bad. You can almost pretend you have the empty block there on purpose, and I bet most users wouldn't know otherwise or even regard it as a "block."
I don't know.

Re: Session timeout problem
  • 2007/6/5 19:01

  • BroHam

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  • Since: 2007/3/31

No. Go to your XOOPS control panel (administration). Then, System Admin > Preferences > General Settings
Scroll down and find custom sessions. If it is set to YES, try NO to turn it off. Then, save.
I don't know.

Re: Why dont people host Xoops based sites?
  • 2007/6/5 18:55

  • BroHam

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  • Since: 2007/3/31

Did you ask them why and they did not respond in detail. They would be the best ones to answer why they don't allow Xoops, right?

I am curious for the answer, too.
Maybe their techs are less familiar with the XOOPS makeup so they just stick with joomla, etc? Hmmm.
I don't know.

Re: x_movie module installation help
  • 2007/6/5 18:45

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Your source says you are using the wow2 theme? Is that 100% compatible with Xoops, or just phpnuke?

I ask because I have crusade_k as one of my reference themes, and the layout looks similar to your site. Crusade_k displays all correctly on my site, but I don't know how telling that is since I don't know what the differences are between it and your theme.

Where did you get your theme? Maybe I can install it and see if I have the same problem.
I don't know.

Re: Session timeout problem
  • 2007/6/5 17:57

  • BroHam

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  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

Turn custom sessions off?
I don't know.

Re: x_movie module installation help
  • 2007/6/5 17:40

  • BroHam

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  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

I didn't have a login for your site so I just mimicked what I was able to see. I enabled the Top Videos and Recent videos and restricted anonymous users from seeing the Movies link in the Main Menu.

Though, you'll notice I am not currently restricting anonymous visitors from the Movies link, or, in my case, the VidZ link. It is appearing the same on my site, signed in or not.

Do you have a border that surrounds your xoops_contents?

I suppose I don't. I am using margins and padding in my css, with images around the center column, which expands to fill the space of the left and right columns if they are not visible.
I don't know.

Re: x_movie module installation help
  • 2007/6/5 16:40

  • BroHam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 100

  • Since: 2007/3/31

That is all over my head, sorry. I can only theorize from a very simplistic perspective.

I enabled those blocks on my top page for you to see though, without issue. I used them in the top center blocks as well as the bottom center with equal results.
Behind the mask, I am using the Mor.pho.GEN.e.sis - version 2.0 theme.

Again, I don't know what I'm talking about, but maybe you need the "/if" tag moved up and an "else" tag somehwere else.

Sorry I can't offer real help.

I switched between several other themes, and they all displayed correctly, without the mystery block anywhere to be seen.
I don't know.

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