I can get to the module section and, as suggested I have run the update for the system core module...
This is what I receive after the update:
INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 1,'','User Menu', 'User Menu', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_user_show', '', 'system_block_user.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 2,'','Login', 'Login', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_login_show', '', 'system_block_login.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 3,'','Search', 'Search', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_search_show', '', 'system_block_search.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 4,'','Waiting Contents', 'Waiting Contents', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_waiting_show', '', 'system_block_waiting.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 5,'','Main Menu', 'Main Menu', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_main_show', '', 'system_block_mainmenu.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 6,'320|190|s_poweredby.gif|1','Site Info', 'Site Info', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_info_show', 'b_system_info_edit', 'system_block_siteinfo.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 7,'','Who\'s Online', 'Who\'s Online', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_online_show', '', 'system_block_online.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 8,'10|1','Top Posters', 'Top Posters', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_topposters_show', 'b_system_topposters_edit', 'system_block_topusers.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 9,'10|1','New Members', 'New Members', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_newmembers_show', 'b_system_newmembers_edit', 'system_block_newusers.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 10,'10','Recent Comments', 'Recent Comments', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_comments_show', 'b_system_comments_edit', 'system_block_comments.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 11,'','Notification Options', 'Notification Options', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_notification_show', '', 'system_block_notification.html', 1205888308)INSERT INTO xoops_newblocks (bid, mid, func_num, options, name, title, content, side, weight, visible, block_type, isactive, dirname, func_file, show_func, edit_func, template, last_modified) VALUES (0, 1, 12,'0|80','Themes', 'Themes', '', 0, 0, 0, 'M', 1, 'system', 'system_blocks.php', 'b_system_themes_show', 'b_system_themes_edit', 'system_block_themes.html', 1205888308)Module data updated.
Updating templates...
Template system_imagemanager.html inserted to the database.
Template system_imagemanager2.html inserted to the database.
Template system_userinfo.html inserted to the database.
Template system_userform.html inserted to the database.
Template system_rss.html inserted to the database.
Template system_redirect.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comment.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_flat.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_thread.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_nest.html inserted to the database.
Template system_siteclosed.html inserted to the database.
Template system_dummy.html inserted to the database.
Template system_notification_list.html inserted to the database.
Template system_notification_select.html inserted to the database.
Rebuilding blocks...
ERROR: Could not create User Menu
ERROR: Could not create Login
ERROR: Could not create Search
ERROR: Could not create Waiting Contents
ERROR: Could not create Main Menu
ERROR: Could not create Site Info
ERROR: Could not create Who's Online
ERROR: Could not create Top Posters
ERROR: Could not create New Members
ERROR: Could not create Recent Comments
ERROR: Could not create Notification Options
ERROR: Could not create Themes
Module System updated successfully.
Back to Module Administration page
What this all means is somwhat "greek" to me!