xoops database
  • 2006/12/9 21:20

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


I want to ask you this:
I have installed the XOOPS package in my database ex: user: data pass: 123, but now I have changed the pass of the database... so now it cant open it. How can I change the database password on XOOPS in order to read it... so I should probably change it on XOOPS too, but I dont know how...

Is there anyway...

Smart Partner module
  • 2006/11/26 22:26

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

Hello, I am using the Smart Partner module but when I put a block on my webpage it appears and when I click over the logo it opens the partner description and informations. The thing I want to do is when I click over the logo to open the Webpage I have writen in a new page.

If you have any idea how to do this, please tell me.
Thanks in advance

Module for flash games
  • 2006/11/26 1:46

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30


I want to import some flash games on my site and I need a module that helps to organize the flash games on my site...
So I don't need the module Fun Games, where are some ready flash games and I add an iframe but I want a module that helps me organiza the flash games. Something similar like Smart Media for organizing the video files or My Dowloads module that helps organizing the downloads.

If anyone have any idea, please tell me.

Thanks in advance

empty module
  • 2006/11/19 0:35

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

I need an empty module where I can put any text I want but the module link to be displayed at the place where are the other modules like news, guestbook, forum etc.

Thanks in advance

wf quote problem
  • 2006/11/11 0:21

  • noone

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  • Since: 2006/9/30

I installed the wfquote module, but when I try to create a new category there opens only a blank page and the category cannot be created...

How can I fix this problem?
Thanks you

  • 2006/11/10 23:44

  • noone

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  • Since: 2006/9/30

I need a module for quotes... I installed the random quote module but what I want is to write every day new quotes in the front page to be displayed the last quote I have written... and more imoportant to have a module link where would be stored all the quotes and that would be accesable for all visitors...

Is there any module that have this caracteristics.

Thanks in advance

  • 2006/10/28 17:46

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

I installed the xfguestbook 2.2 on my webpage, it is working good but when I put a block (Visit guestbook) on page there are shown the date, the user, and the title of the post ex:
2006/10/22 username the title,
2006/1/10 the Cat hello

Instead of this I want to delete the date and to see only username and the title, so I want it to look like this:

username the title,
the Cat hello

If you have any idea how to do this, please tell me

Forum blocks
  • 2006/10/28 17:15

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

I installed the NewBB 2 Forum on my webpage, it is working good but when I put a block (Recent Topics) on page there are shown more category column than I want, I mean on the block (Recent Topics) are shown these columns: Forum, Topic, Replies, Views and Last Post.

Instead of this I want to delete the Forum colum and to have only these: Topic, Relies, Views and Last post.

If you have any idea how to do this, please tell me

Add new module
  • 2006/10/26 8:27

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

I want to add another module which would be all blank and to be able to add in it some blocks I want to see...

Ex. there are these modules in my web: HOME, CONTATCT, NEWS, SMART SECTION, GUESBOOK... and I want to add another module after these ones which would be ex. ABOUT ME where i'll be able to put some blocks I want...

If u have any idea please tell me...


Re: search, min keyword
  • 2006/10/20 17:31

  • noone

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  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2006/9/30

Thanks for your help

Sorry I sent the same message 3 times... I didn't know that it would happen


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