Re: WF-Downloads 3 RC1 counter bug
  • 2006/2/13 17:29

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

already did :)

WF-Downloads 3 RC1 counter bug
  • 2006/2/13 17:10

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

WF-Downloads version 3
Release Date: sat: 24 december 2005

The file size nor # of downloads never changes from 0
after a file is submitted. The previous version it
worked fine.

FCKeditor File Upload Vulnerability
  • 2006/2/10 15:06

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

Secunia Advisory: SA18767 Print Advisory
Release Date: 2006-02-10

Moderately critical
Impact: System access
Where: From remote
Solution Status: Vendor Patch

Software: FCKeditor 2.x

Select a product and view a complete list of all Patched/Unpatched Secunia advisories affecting it.

rgod has discovered a vulnerability in FCKeditor, which potentially can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a vulnerable system.

The problem is that it is possible to upload arbitrary files to a location inside the web root if the file extension does not match the list of denied file extensions. This can e.g. be exploited to upload and execute a malicious PHP script with the ".php.txt" file extension.

Successful exploitation requires that file uploads have been enabled in the "config.php" configuration file (not enabled by default).

The vulnerability has been confirmed in version 2.2 and has also been reported in version 2.0. Other versions may also be affected.

Disable file uploads in "config.php".


Re: Deleting members complaint
  • 2006/1/12 5:03

  • Rhomal

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  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5


Clever wrote:
This would be the place for that then!
XOOPS.org feedback & suggestions


We going to split hairs or talk about the issue?

Re: Deleting members complaint
  • 2006/1/11 18:06

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 274

  • Since: 2004/10/5

I am pretty sure the undertone question is, is this going to be changed, reverted back? Didnt think I needed to spell it out. heh

Deleting members complaint
  • 2006/1/11 17:24

  • Rhomal

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I do not know why the developers made it vastly more difficult to remove members on 2.2.3 vs 2.0.13 but I'd like to see this restored.

It should be a simple matter of seaching for members on the admin menu with certain critera, hit the sleect all check box then use the pull down menu to select 'delete'. However the only option currently is 'email'.

I much perfered the way 2.0.13 handled this. It's much more difficult to mass remove members in 2.2.3

Re: IRC Setup
  • 2006/1/4 17:06

  • Rhomal

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I was using ircmod module and my upgrade to 2.2.3a broke the java script. I have not had the time to try a different module. Perhaps another one works.

Re: Mambo - Joomla! Discussion
  • 2006/1/4 15:42

  • Rhomal

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Well said Madfish, also I respect your recent post on the logo comments. Well said. Its refreshing to see a someone with a dev logo acually acknowledge there is community unrest with the current 'leadership'.

Re: Mambo - Joomla! Discussion
  • 2006/1/3 22:42

  • Rhomal

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> IMHO, effective management requires more than just an effective manager (singular). It requires an effective manager + good communication skills + a team that is willing to be managed.

I could not agree more. Well said.

> For the most part, we have all of the above. We could certainly improve in some areas, but that is the case with all situations.

Thats rose colored glasses on your part. And a prime example of whats is wrong with this project on a mgt level. It seems all the staff here want to focus in and pat each other on the back for all the good points and drag feet or ignore the issues that need to be addressed.

Yes, you ask 'what needs to be improved' and such as this thread shows. However I have yet to see any real improvments and you people keep tripping all over yourself time and time and time again. You seem to have the 8 sec memory of a goldfish. At least thats the impression I am left with accurate or not.

How many times in the past 24 months that I have used XOOPS have the staff taken heat for lack of communication to the community? And yet you just did it AGAIN. Seriously, then you act all perplexed when ppl get upset or act like its a first time offense.

> Personally, I believe Herko is a fine Project manager with very good communication skills. We have a very good team of Team Leaders who are progressing every day in their individual responsibilities as well as their communication skills with their teams and with each other.

Thats great... how about they use some of the skill with the community?

> Where I see the greatest room for improvement is communication with the community and the communities willingness to work with the Core Team.

Less talk more action would be good. Can post all day about these issues, I see no action upon it however.

> There seems to be a lot of complaining going on, but very little action.

Since the dev team is running the show THEY need to identify the issues and start the correction. We as the community cant do much at this point until they acknowledge the issues and reach out to the community. THEY need to take the first step of good will not us. We have done all we can up to this point. We have explained a dozen times over our disatification and given some areas that needs to be addressed. What do you propose else we can do?

Start forking the community?

> From the standpoint of a Team Leader, I find it hard to invest my time with someone when they complain, but offer no viable solutions.

Frankly, and I mean this with no personal disrespect, but from a profesional standpoint; If you say that you are no 'leader' in my book. A true leader is proactive not reactive. A true leader does not compleatly depend on the people under him to tell him whats wrong. A true leader reconizes and addresses the issues he sees without needing people to whack him over the head with them time and time again. It seems to me you want the title but put no effort into such by having others do your job for you.

> There are some valid points being brought up in the community. I think that is great. There is always room for improvement in every situation. However, words without action are nothing more than hot air. Quite frankly, it's been like a furnace around here with all the hot air flying around.

Indeed, so when can we see some action from the 'leaders' of this project rather then long, lenghty posts deflecting critisism and responsibility?

> From my experiences with the Core Team and this community, the best way to get things chaged is as follows...

I have a better idea, have the leaders of this project put their heads togeather, come up with soluations to the issues that have been rasied time and time and time again. Then propose those solutions to the community for input. Go back tot he drawing back with that input, edit what needs to be then lay the ground work for change with the new policies and procedures.

And frankly im tried as well of all this jabbing and nothing gets done.

You need to bring someone new with mgt skills and give that someone ~4 months and the authority to make REAL change (yes that may mean cutting some people and bringing in new blood with fresh ideas and ways of doing things). A change that reaches out to the community, not thinks of them as a after thought. Or ones who keeps repeating the same missteps over and over.

Because you people have used the carrot too much IMO, and now you need to use the stick. A little house cleaning and re-orginization I think is exactly what this project needs IMO.

You wanted specific input there you go.

Re: Xoops Stats with another Stats Module ?
  • 2005/12/31 19:56

  • Rhomal

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It matters little at this point it seems

Stats is not compatable with 2.2.3, I u/l the folder to the modules die and when I go into modules amin it reports that its missing required install files.

Ill go back to istats (I just wish someone would update istats for the new browsers)

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