MySQL Optimization
  • 2005/3/15 19:51

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

I've been bugging my web host, because I've been getting so many "unable to connect" errors on my site.

The site is running XOOPS 2.07 and there are no password issues.

I got my host to move me to a new server, because they couldn't do anything about the problem on the old server.

I notice that I am not getting as many errors as of late yesterday -- none today, but it is still slow.

(They told me I wouldn't know when I was moved because they used RSYNC.)

I've got everything cached modules and blocks that I can cache and when I update my site I change the cache times to force the update.

Are there any tips to optimize mySQL / XOOPS for someone with full root access?


Re: xDirectory Customizations
  • 2005/3/15 17:16

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

Very clear to me. The St Martin example was just my take on it. Some people may want to stay near Orient Beach and they have no earthly idea that Orient Beach is technically on the French side of Saint Martin therefore Marigot, Orient Beach or Grand Case , St Martin, French West Indies, but often listed as Phillisburg, Sint Maarten, Netherland Antillies.

Official address:
Baie Orientale 97150 St.Martin French West Indies

Here is what I mean - A different type of directory - One example of many you can find:

A typical hotel directory has 40,000 + entries.

I realize that this is going to rely on the webmaster keeping it straight, but I just want to keep our eyes open as to traps in thought for a worlwide product.

Just get me in the neighborhood!


Re: xDirectory Customizations
  • 2005/3/15 15:44

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2


Here is what builderb has built and what everyone salivates over when they go to folsomliving Quote:
builderb from another thread...
The version I'm using has:

-E-commerce (paypal only) for a monthly subscription or a one year subscription where you get one month free.
-Multiple categories
-Alphabetical Listings
-Premium Listings with start and expiration dates(premium listings can be defined for each category the listing appears in)
-Ratings now have comments
-e-Mail form
-WiFi Hotspots
-modify listing is now restricted to the owner of the listing. (I plan to make two modify pages; one where anyone can submit changes and it is approved or not approved by the administrator and two where the owner can submit their changes in real time.)

This version will be released eventually for a fee. I haven't come up with a price yet but was thinking @ $99 - USD.

I welcome any comments.


Here is what is important to me in order:
-Multiple categories
-Alphabetical Listings
-E-commerce (paypal only) for a monthly subscription or a one year subscription where you get one month free.
-Premium Listings with start and expiration dates(premium listings can be defined for each category the listing appears in)

Look at my directory, when it gets big it becomes a mess of numbers at the bottom of the screen.

I need to be able to sort these by location. State, city or zip code. I see this as being very popular for more vertical directories like mine instead of local directories, but interchangeable enough, so that if you did Los Angeles you could have a location for Hollywood and a location for Pasadena and Santa Monica etc...

builderb once suggested in an earlier post that I just list this as a category i.e. United States, Colorado, Denver or New Zealand, Christchurch. The issue there is I have no Idea if there are states, Provinces, counties or shires to list in New Zealand and I am sure that if someone from Europe was looking for kayak outfitter near Jackson Hole that they wouldn't need to know that Jackson Hole is in Wyoming.
Here is the Physical address of one company that posted in my xDirectory

Name: Dive South Africa
Physical Address: 8 Moodie Street, Umkomaas, KwaZulu Natal
Postal Address: PO Box 38890, Faerie Glen, 0043
Tel: +27 12 991 3134
Fax: +27 12 991 5523
Mobile: +27 82 322 0182
E-mail: info@divesouth.co.za

They are not all going to fit in any convention we come up with, but we can try! One issue I can think of is if you’re looking for a hotel in Venice California who really knows where Venice stops and Marina Del Ray starts? Except for postal codes which few know - I don’t think we can get there 100%, but close is good! Another hotel example is Phillipsburg, Sint Maarten, St Maarten, St. Martin and Marigot, Saint Martin - Check out any hotel booking engine and you’ll find multiple entries and few know it’s actually Netherlands Antilles and French West Indies.

I am eager to donate and get this done for all! I think this module should be built as guide, because that is what folsom dies.




Note his restaurants are listed in his guide not his xDirectory


They don't appear to share the database, but who knows. In the guide you see that he has built several custom php pages for his specific area of interest Dining, Rent, shopping, and spa. I would need to have that but I'll have to modify it to my specific interests. Paddle sports, Scuba diving, Snow cat skiing, etc...

Thanks for your input and feel free to contact me directly. Use the 800 number on my site if anything needs further clarification.

GST -6:00 USA - CST



Re: xDirectory Customizations
  • 2005/3/15 4:13

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

I have spoken with Adam at Folsomliving.com as well. He is selling a business model at this point. He has several others up and running. I am to the point where I have called to negotiate a price with him, Since I don't fit his business model, local city guides, I don’t know how that will work.

I've duplicated the directory and renamed it "guide" (folsomliving has at least two copies), but I can't figure how to add multiple categories. I can see how it’s done, but can't get there from here, if you know what I mean.

My Guide:
(You'll need to register)

Chris on this thread lined out multiple categories:

I think weree all in the same boat. We can see how it needs to be done, we just don't have the time or experience to do it.

Just looking at Folsomliving and working with your own xDirectory -- its fairly straight forward on Folsomliving works. Getting there is the issue.

How can we get it done?

Any ideas?

Can we hire someone and split the cost?

Re: Yellow Pages module out now..
  • 2005/2/10 20:55

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

When I figure it out I'll let you know. I'm in the same boat your are...

Re: xDirectory 1.5
  • 2005/2/8 17:12

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

Here what folsomliving has:

- E-commerce (paypal only) for a monthly subscription or a one year subscription where you get one month free.
- Multiple categories
- Coupons
- Alphabetical Listings
- Premium Listings with start and expiration dates(premium listings can be defined for each category the listing appears in)
- Ratings now have comments
- e-Mail form
- Malls
- WiFi Hotspots
- Modify listing is restricted to the owner of the listing.

My feeling is the multiple categories, the coupons, alpha listing and premium features are the most important for a yellow pages style directory. xzp4all is going the route of a white pages contact guide.

xDirectory 1.5
  • 2005/2/8 14:01

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

Only the administrator can upload a logo on this version.

From the Admin page: Add, Modify, and Delete Categories/Listings

Screenshot image must be a valid image file under http://www.advenquest.com/modules/guide/images/shots/ directory (ex. shot.gif). Leave it blank if no image file.

Re: Yellow Pages module out now..
  • 2005/2/5 0:46

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

Here is a link to a working copy of guide:


Please Register and say no to the email if you have no interest in adventure sports.

This Guide module is a renamed xDirectory - complete with a title tag hack. To finish off changing the order of the tile tag, go to your theme html and change your title line to
<title><{$xoops_pagetitle}> | <{$xoops_sitename}>title>

Of course you'll need to reload your theme after that.

Good luck! and if anyone wants to give me some pointers on how to add multiple categories to this please feel free!


Re: Yellow Pages module out now..
  • 2005/2/4 20:43

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

I have spoken with Adam at FolosomLiving.com and he has a business model based around his website he is willing to sell to those who are interested. It was my feeling from the conversations I had with him that there would be no more updates on xDirectory.

Sorry, about the issues with the renamed xDirectory module. I uploaded the wrong Guide module and I now have so many of them I don't know which one works and which one doesn't. I figure it out and let you know.


Re: Title Tag Hack
  • 2005/2/4 17:50

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

Once I found the French site it was a piece of cake, however the Chinese site that lead me to the French site was a little tougher!

I only read simplified Chinese and it was all mandarin

Ce fichu Américain parle seulement anglais! J'ai pris le latin à l'école cependant!

Thanks Google!

Carpe Cerevisi

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