Re: $$ Job for Xoops Pro Bug Fixer - # of Posts/Member Rank Dbase Random Dumping/Reset

thanks. sorry i missed you. will get in touch.

$$ Job for Xoops Pro Bug Fixer - # of Posts/Member Rank Dbase Random Dumping/Reset

I couldn't find a job board section in these forums, so I thought I would post this here. I own, http://www.hotdogblog.com, and have been experiencing an annoying issue where the member posts # database resets seemingly randomly. It has been happening for about a year and I have not been able to isolate the problem. Sometimes when the # of Posts database gets dumped, it affects everyone. Sometimes it's only a subset of users whose rank goes down to -1. This has implications for the site, because some of the features do not know how to deal with # of posts = a negative number. For instance, when this happens, the member with -1 posts will begin to have the default avatar show up in addition to any custom avatar they may have selected. They also sometimes get "you are not authorized" messages but I can't remember on what features.

I don't know if this bug was introduced as part of a module that I added to the site or as part of a 2.2.x upgrade. Either way, I've only seen a few people mention it here and never has anyone ever responded to the issue.

So, I'm am so freaking tired of dealing with all my members complaining about getting their rank bumped down, that I want to PAY SOMEONE TO DIAGNOSE AND FIX this error.

If you think you are up to it and want the challenge, PM me.


Re: I cant find a chat that works

shoutbox is fine but if you have more than a few users, it will be very high load and likely crash your shared server.

flashchat is also very high load with more than a few users and will crash your site on a shared server.

gabbly isn't integrated iwth your XOOPS user names, but it works very well and doesn't max out your server load. i use it and there is nothing even close for XOOPS on chat. this is sad, but is true.

I've tried all the XOOPS chat options mentioned here and more and they all either don't work at all or max out server load with more than a few users at a time.

Gabbly is the only way to go.

Re: x_movie module installation help

I tried to install version 2.3 on XOOPS 2.2.4 and i guess the language files aren't right. someone above posted them, but the link is dead.

does anyone have the english language files?

Re: you tube module?

xpress enables object embedding also. . you also need a plugin. I use xpress with .xpress tags.

Re: What BLOG to use?

Go and post your bug reports in the official project site:


Re: What BLOG to use?


metropolis wrote:

phppp wrote:

metropolis wrote:

And don't expect any support when you write bug reports.

As the author of the module and other modules you also complained, I expect your respect for my past in-time contribution and helpful help.

I am sorry, but I will write down my point of view whenever somebody asks for certain modules.

Your modules are brilliant, but my bugreports are not the only ones you simply don't answer.

I think this is an important point when it comes to the question "do I install this or that module" and support should be taken into consideration.

Whatever the reason is: It's a fact, you don't answer bug reports. Sorry to say that.

I have used all the blog modules and by far and away XPress is the best, most fully functional for a site that wants each member to be able to blog. True, there are some very minor bugs or features in regular Wordpress that do not work on XPress for XOOPS but these are very minor issues. I haven't tried the blog by email thing so I can't say, but be sure that I will. There are plenty of plugins that can avert most spam issues.

Anyway, I have followed phppp's work over the last year and use most of his modules with great success. It really bothers me to see him singled out here for "not answering bug reports." For one thing, phppp has been very active over the last year, has released numerous updates and bug fixes for all his modules, and has basically been singlehandedly keeping XOOPS module development alive over the last year, in my view (my apologies to the other module developers out there that have been also continuing work on their modules but I am unaware of).

The point is that in my view, everyone should be thanking phppp for his consistent efforts. If he's missed some bug reports in the past or recently, well that's just the way it goes in open-source land. . people do this on their own free time and of their own volition and sometimes they don't have as much time as at other times.

As far as the "concern" by the original poster about where XOOPS is going and the level of activity generally by programmers. . well, that is definitely something to consider when deciding to use XOOPS at this time and it is something that all of us who use XOOPS now are equally concerned with. But phppp is the man, and has been one of the few shining lights around here, and comments like metropolis' just serve to drive good, high-integrity programmers, like phppp, away.

Wordpress (xpress) sidebar categories sort by ID# instead of name

why does my wordpress sidebar list categories by ID# instead of by name when the following code is used:


shouldn't 'sort_column=name' (rather than ID) list the categories alphabetically?

From what I've read, the wordpress default is by ID#. But since XPress is coded with 'name,' it suggests that phppp changed the default and wanted to list categories alphabetically by name instead of ID#. Frankly, this is the only thing that makes sense.

But, it doesn't work on any of my sites. All my sites still list categories by ID#. What am I missing here?

Re: Cannot Reply to Private Messages

I have this problem on my site. Members can reply only on the first message. If they use the "next message" or "previous message" feature, they will not be able to reply to that message. Replies can only take place on a click into a message from the main page of the module.

Re: CBB theme problem, white space in firefox

thanks for your fast reply. I'm not that familiar with CSS only themes. In theory they sound ideal, but in practice may be a different matter. I understand the debate over CSS vs. tables but I'm just not as comfortable with CSS as I am with HTML. I probably should be thinking twice about using a CSS theme, but I thought it would be good for me to learn more about it.

Anyway, I removed the
from all the CBB themes and it is dramatically improved. I still had some problems, so I also removed the style: clear from the breaks as you mentioned. Turns out this was not a good idea because it introduced more errors, so I reverted back to maintaining the break style clear.

Anyway, now it is just minor stuff:

In Firefox:

1. Gap between forum list and "users online" section at category level. Deleting the clear:both from the break or deleting the break all together from the index theme causes the section to move up too far. So either there is a gap or it overlaps. . How can I tweak that break?

Perhaps this will correct when I add several categories:


2. Gap again between forum topics and icons at forum level: Same issue with the clearing the break. . maybe I'll just add a lot of forums and see what happens.


3. Misalignment of Notification Options at thread level:


IE is fine except for the very minor misalignment of the "fast reply" button at the thread level:


How odd that with this it is IE that is functioning "correctly" and Firefox that is making trouble!

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