ok guys, I have an idea about the new theme, here is a visual view of it!
IN this plan, the left block is visible by default, but the right column is only accessible through the use of block control (block controls change the visiblility of left and right blocks). We have a font control in here as well so either a page should pop out witht he font changing controls or a set of buttons should be placed to upper the size of the font, or lower it, as well as its boldness and italics.
I would like to put a search bar in the theme as well, but I forgot to do so when I was creating this and currently I don't have the tools to do so, so I apologize because of this.
Also, the navigation bar should have a gradiant patern so that it would look cool.
It is also important to note that , the center blocks (right-center, left-center,center-center ) do not have block_title cell to look unique and fully customizable. This way the admjinistrator is able to change the lauout whichever he wants and these blocks whould not look the same!
I hope this plan helps you guys to decide how the next theme will be!