Re: hostnexus.com bans xoops !!!
  • 2004/4/27 10:57

  • danMAN

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

don't know what they're doing with those that run xoops, I only found the policy by accident while talking in their forums about my limited experiences with CMSs I've tried, and one of their moderator pointed it out to me in there. I am also trialling Mambo, Spip, Xaraya and that unspoken one (you know, sounds like XOOPS only it has an e in front of it ) I guess now I feel insecure about it all, to the extent that I am confused about what I should do, the issue was unexpected and unwanted, to say the least.
Oh well ...

Re: hostnexus.com bans xoops !!!
  • 2004/4/27 3:53

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

I agree entirely, and imagine my consternation when I discovered this situation. They are ok otherwise, though, which is why I signed up for one year so I could take advantage of a package they offered (50 domains + lots of other stuff for just under $200 per year). Now I regret doing this, and I feel quite foolish for taking the bait. My only excuse is that I am a newby so I should treat the whole experience as a learning one, perhaps?
Suggestion: I think that we should have a list of such webhosts on this site so others can have an opportunity of being warned...

hostnexus.com bans xoops !!!
  • 2004/4/27 2:49

  • danMAN

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

Hi all

Just to let you know that I have just discovered that hostnexus bans xoops. I have no other probs with this host and it has been reasonably good service-way. I have asked in their forums why XOOPS is banned, but no one there would enlighten me. I wonder if anyone here might know why they would determine to not allow xoops?

here is where you'll find the proclamation against xoops:

Animated gifs don't work
  • 2004/3/26 23:37

  • danMAN

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  • Since: 2004/3/13

My animated gifs have stoped working when browsing site with mozilla
They do work in IE6, but there's something else that doesn't work properly in this browser: the sections headline shows a missing image cross (this works ok in moz)
Hope you can help me realise where I am going wrong

Re: Making Forums invisible to annonymous visitors: how?
  • 2004/3/20 13:28

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

Many thanks for that, I sure need to get more practice in

Making Forums invisible to annonymous visitors: how?
  • 2004/3/20 12:59

  • danMAN

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

I tried to make the forums invisible to annonymous readers, but I don't seem be able to do it. I think I tried just about everything from the admin side of xoops, but the thing won't go away. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong would be very much appreciated.


Re: post-installation warning message
  • 2004/3/13 7:47

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

Unix on the server. But I think I fixed it, I read another message further back in this forum which recommends chmod to 644, which looks like fixed it. Then I tried chmoding to 444 through the ftp, and this worked as well (I was doing it through the file management facility on the server before) Thanks.

post-installation warning message
  • 2004/3/13 5:34

  • danMAN

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

Hi all,
The installation went A-OK , and I couldn't be more pleased with XOOPS 2, it's tops!

However, I get the following message re chmod change:

WARNING: File /home/httpd/vhosts/cdtalk.net/httpdocs/mainfile.php is writeable by the server.
Please change the permission of this file for security reasons.
in Unix (444), in Win32 (read-only)

I tried doing just this, but it keeps coming up when I login as the admin. I am sure it's my fault somehow, but I wonder if some nice person could point this newbie the rigt way to fix it?

Many thanks

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