it seem this my first post , but it is not i been here but i wanted New Nick :)
the problem happend befor couple Days , that my Host Had to shut me Down because the High Load . this is part of the Message "due to an extremely
high load on your account. At this time today our servers have
served more than 400025 requests for your account.
You have not used to too much transfer it is a load issue meaning
that your site has used too many CPU resources on the cluster "
i just Do not know what cause this problem , i'm looking to my statistics and i see realy High Number of Hits to different pages , this Example :
5025 / for the index page
1087 /404.html error page
1058 /modules/system/admin.php
the XOOPS is
Modules installed .
tinycontent ( without the spaw editor )
contact us
i have optmize the MySQL and for the day 5 i still get the high load . when they shut down the site , it always they shut it when i rich over the 4000000 hit , i just dont belive i get all that Hits and there is 5000 Uniques ..
my site hosted by Servage by the way , and it looks that its time to move to a Server instaed of Shared Hosting ..