Re: Is xcgallery supported anywhere?

this is unfortunate, because xoops2.org isn't really an "alive" site, doesn't list the module for download, or any others for that matter, and hasn't had any significant changes for over 2 months.

Re: Weblog comment form not prepopulating title field.

thanks so much! i now have a fully functional weblog 1.3 implementation. not knowing php, i didn't get it right the first time. seems i didn't have a } at the end where i needed it.

I do hope weblog will continue to be developed. it's a great base blog program.

you can check mine out at:


Re: NewBB 2 Karma Inquiry

good question about how to get newbb2 karma or even know what your karma level is . . . it sounds like a good feature for high volume/persnickety sites, but it ended up confusing my users, so i turned it off.

Re: Weblog comment form not prepopulating title field.

hey there,

i have this problem also, but when i look into the comment_new file, all I see is this:

include '../../mainfile.php';
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/include/comment_new.php';

can you or someone using weblog 1.3 please post the entire contents of the comment_new.php file?


iframe height and width - sizing problem

after lots of fiddling, i thought i should just ask for help. i am trying to include an iframe on my site but i cannot get the block to size the frame properly, even when i change around the width and height parameteres in the iframe code.

here is the code for this IFrame, which is not sizing properly - i.e., full size 629 width by 1083 height:

<IFRAME name="apciframe" id="apciframe" style="width:629;height:1083;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="http://affiliates.allposters.com/PosterStore/284989_PosterStore.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"><A class="APCAnchor" HREF="http://affiliates.allposters.com/link/redirect.asp?AID=1592834584&PSTID=4<ID=16&TID1=1000">Buy Posters at AllPosters.com </A></IFRAME>

and here is the site:


any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Re: Google AdSense and robots.txt

I also run adsense both for content and for search. I have not had a problem with Google googling my site prior to setting up adsense and with the standard robots.txt file. Most of my site has been indexed and google has been finding new content on my site pretty quickly.

I just changed my robots.txt to incorporate the suggested language from Google, thinking that it could only enhance the indexing that Google already does so well. Now it looks like this:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /cache/
Disallow: /class/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /include/
Disallow: /install/
Disallow: /kernel/
Disallow: /language/
Disallow: /templates_c/
Disallow: /themes/
Disallow: /uploads/

I do have some question whether the "user-agent" line limits the robots to google or simply assists google robots in knowing that this is a site that is running Google adsense, i.e., is a media partner. I would guess that it is the latter rather than the former.

Google explicitly claims that running adsense will not enhance your google search rating and positioning. The old "separation of church and state" thing. . Or if you prefer, the "chinese wall" between "ad and edit" for those in the publishing business. Don't believe it! It only makes sense that Google search listings would want to consider "mediapartner yes/no" as a variable in rating sites, because the more traffic sent to mediapartner rather than non-mediapartner sites, the more money for Google. They may have a mantra "don't be evil" but that doesn't stop them from trying to make bank, and all else being roughly equal, who would you rather send traffic to?

shoutbox horizontal scrolling

does anyone know how to prevent text from horizontal scrolling in shoutbox. the problem seems to come and go based on updating themes, but I'm not sure how to rectify it.


MHTMLRedir.Exploit virus and xoops

anyone else having problems with users receiving realtime virsu scan errors when accessing your XOOPS website for the MHTMLRedir.Exploit virus? I've seen users of Nuke who have somehow had this virus dropped into the footers or headers of their database files. I'm seeing it on my site too, but haven't been able to find it.

Anyone have ideas? This is from "CastleCops"


Secunia Highlights:
Internet Explorer URL Spoofing Vulnerability
A vulnerability has been identified in Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious people to display a fake URL in the address and status bars.
rsync File Handling Integer Overflow Vulnerability
A vulnerability has been identified in rsync, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a vulnerable system.

Latest 15 Secunia Security Advisories:
- mvdsv Download Function Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

- Dada Mail Non-Random Verification PIN

- Xoops URL Parameter Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability and XOOPS Input Filtering Flaw in Weblinks 'myheader.php' Permits Cross-Site Scripting Attacks

Chintan Trivedi from Eye On Security Research Group India reported an input validation vulnerability in the XOOPS weblinks module. A remote user can conduct cross-site scripting attacks.

Impact: Disclosure of authentication information, Disclosure of user information, Execution of arbitrary code via network, Modification of user information

Re:download module and .mov, mpg, quicktime player

i was never able to resolve this problem with the default download module, so I upgraded to "wfdownloads" and the problem was resolved. that plus wfdownloads is far superior any many other respects compared to the core module.

Re: Looking for theme

why is it that XOOPS admin requires themes to be uploaded in .tar format and virtually all the themes in the theme library are in .zip format?

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