Help with alumni module, pls!

Hello, I'm using alumni module quite a long time, but I have never met this problem: I have started a new page on a different hosting as usual, but suddenly, when I open a category it doesn't view the listings. The alumni_adlist.html file on the front page of the module is going all right, so I couldn't understand it. I think the mistake is in the <{foreach}> tag, but the alumni_adlist.html has the same. <{foreach item=item from=$items}> Can anybody give me a hand, please?? Where the mistake could be?

Whatsnew module


I am trying to use whatsnew module on my site, but I need some changes...

I would like to view wfdownloads new items in block whatsnew_block_date and... I need to get there wfdownloads item's screenshot.


and is it possible to put there new items from another modules (For example classifields, alumni....)??

Thank anybody for help.

Finding the right module!

Hello guys,

I would like to have a block on the main page, something like a quick chat, but...
...I would like to allow users post there:

- short and longer messages (+ emoticons if possible)

- pictures (where I would be able to set the max size...)

- maybe video if possible

Something like the Facebook main page offers. I bealive it's possible with xoops, but I don't know which module to use.

Thank anybody for help!

Btw.. I am using shoutbox for it, but it's very simple and it doesn't have pictures posting.

Re: Please help with wfdownloads

Thank you very much!

<IMG src="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$download.dirname}>/images/screenshots/<{$download.screenshot}>"

This address that´s what I wanted!

Great work!

Please help with wfdownloads


I use the wfdownloads module version 3.1. I would like to view in the wfdownloads_block_new block DOWNLOAD SCREENSHOT and DOWNLOAD CATEGORY maybe even DOWNLOAD SIZE in addition to download.title and download.date viewed.

How to make it? It doesn't work when I put <{$download.screenshot}> etc. in the block file. I think it's not definied anywhere.

Could you anybody give me a hand, please??

Thank you

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