Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/17 20:31

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12


Module repository looks very promising...

I should also address few issues that concern me / comments about XOOPS marketing (those are more questions, sometimes; view from an outsider is really different but can give you a different perspective):

1. I'm really unsure about the petition up front.
-First, I understand that you might be really angry and feel betrayed, but look at the big picture.
-Sue Herko Coomans if it's the right thing to do
-Have a topic in the forum, talk about it in the forum, in an article, etc
-But it's strange to put it in front, at the top of home page and in all page on side as if it was more important than XOOPS itself.
-I also feel that it gives a very negative image of XOOPS especially to new potential users; XOOPS really is a great CMS.
-Negative image: yes especially when you read the petition, it's a fraud of €15 000, big deal (understand my point, it’s a lot of money for one person but it should not be for a CMS like Xoops. I don't like fraud or people who commit fraud, they should be sued). I wonder how many advertisers would be ready to pay to be on top of a Pr8 and on all his pages.
-does this petition really help the trial or it’s more revenge on Herko Commans ?
-if so, publishing the trial result might be just as effective but would preserve XOOPS image (this is for me the most important thing).

2. I’m also very interested to hear about other solutions …
-Xoops should advertise / make sure their members know about outside solutions like aMember pro that is supposed to be fully integrated. I have not tried it but it seems like something really cool to accept payments. Has someone commented on it? Is it working well with XOOPS 2.4?
-I did find this one by luck; are there other great programs like that one available for XOOPS site? I saw Drupal had integration with Aardvarktopsites and that both Joomla & Drupal have integration with oPenx (someone should be mandated to lobby for Xoops).
-If XOOPS members would be aware (lets say in the module section), probably more solutions would be available for XOOPS as a developer would see usage of their XOOPS plug-in.

3. Module section
-Why not put some modules in 2 or 3 categories for a more easy search? Example Pro modules would fit in 2 categories. Small details make a major difference.

4. Making sure updates are made
- Fantastico de Luxe still install XOOPS (2.3.3b) ,updates should be provided quickly to those type of auto-installer. I think it’s crucial that new users get the newest release / especially not a Beta release.

5. I’m not a programmer and you probably have very good reason to do so but …
- Why put the data and lib directory outside root directory. You have to find a solution for share host persons (I personally have a dedicated server but I started with a share solution on GoDaddy with auto-installation). People will not invest hours on their web site if they don’t feel it’s safe, they will use other CMS. PS Article on XOOPS popularity is only showing ½ the reality, see picture. Can someone explain to me why or how Drupal & Joomla stats exploded in early 2009, where was Xoops??? What did the XOOPS community miss in early 2009 ??? What can we do to never face a situation like that ???

Resized Image
Alexa : Xoops.org vs Drupal.org vs Joomla.org

Don’t get me wrong, I really love XOOPS and feel the people in charge have done a marvellous job in the past year (this is why I wrote this message).

Hope it will change a few things for the better.
Kind Regards

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 7:29

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

Hello Burning,

Thanks a lot, it will end my search for this module and I was planning to use either TDMDowloads or repository. It's strange that even xoops.org use custom module.

Kind Regards

PS The repository in frxoops.org is better organized with usually the latest version available. On xoops.org, from an outsider, it's not that pretty. Instantzero module are still in the module section, just to make sure we remember those great modules that will never be available. If we can't get them, stop torturing us, please remove them.

Another example, piCal with version 0.7 where version 1.95 is available with incredible new features.
...etc ...

If you want XOOPS to be viable, it would be a really good thing to focus on making it extremely easy to use for new users, clean / working modules repository is a must and not so hard to achieve.

Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 6:35

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12


just a quick question, is the module "repository" available (the one used on this site for modules section)? Where can I find it or is it a custom module?

Kind Regards

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