Re: webmailfx attachments
  • 2005/1/19 9:34

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

In the readme file is quite clear.
/attachments and /attachments/received should be chmod-ded to 777.
We're still trying to fix some particular issues before coming out with nex version, which will be 1.0RC2b.
The WebMailFX Team

Re: Modify Lykos Reviews?
  • 2005/1/7 13:27

  • flyingtux

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  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

Could you share the modified one?
Perhaps it's what I'm looking for and perhaps I could help you...

Movies on TV module
  • 2005/1/7 10:03

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

Hi xoopers!
I'd like to know wheteher somebody realized (or is interested in realizing it) a module which will allow to display movies scheduled on TV.
No need for complex automatic functions: will be enough to allow users to post the "suggestion" and administrators to approve it.
Infos to display:
-channel (with logo?);
-date and time;
If there's no existing one and somebody knows how to realize it or porting an existing one from another platform, I'm also interested in joining for developing...

Re: using webmailFX 1.0 RC2
  • 2004/12/21 15:23

  • flyingtux

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  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

It is basically a webmail system for xoops.
It has ability for accessing popservers for reading messages and smtp servers for sending messages. Messages could also be sent via PHP Mail () function.
You could configure the module for creating accounts for users: it interacts with cPanel.
The WebMailFX Team

Re: using webmailFX 1.0 RC2
  • 2004/12/21 14:54

  • flyingtux

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  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

This option is not yet implemented.
We've been thinking about that but had no time for realizing it.
The WebMailFX Team

Re: WebMailFX
  • 2004/12/20 13:35

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1


mrskippy wrote:
First things first -- AWESOME module!!! I'm planning to create me own 1GB e-mail service and this will work great. :)



First, and most important, how can I delete admin e-mail accounts? I created one, but messed up. Create a second and it worked. But I can't delete the first one. :( Any advice is appreciated.

Don't understand this. Could you explain it again, with an example?


Second, do I use the POP or PHP setting? I see this ties in with cPanel, which is what I want it to ultimately do and allow users to create their own e-mail account on the server. How exactly do I need to set this? And, can users check their mail through Outlook Express, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc.?

It depends on which system you want to use for sending mails:
-POP ->it uses standard popservers: if you have a pop account, use this. Tipycal examples are pop.blabla.com or mail.blabla.com;
-PHP -> it uses the standard PHP Mail () function: you don't need any account on any mail provider. Sent mails are linked to the XOOPS user (his name is displayed);
-SMTP - used for receiving mail. Tipycally: smtp.blabla.com or mail.blabla.com
In the case of POP=SMTP=mail.blabla.com you could use the POP=SMTP option.


Third, is there a way to have ads appear in the signature?

Yes: just put what you want in the space designed for hosting the footer messsage in all sent emails (Admin/Preferences)


Fourth, why do users have to go to http://mcclimans.us/modules/webmailfx, but can't go to http://www.mcclimans.us/modules/webmailfx? All my modules are like this ... www doesn't work with the modules.

Don't understand this. I visited your website and though the homepage looks like http://www.mcclimans.us, when I go to a module it looks like mcclimans.us


And finally, is there a way to offer a paid e-mail service. So, let's say I want to allow an upgrade to 3 GB (beating the competition) ... can I do that? ... if you want a free e-mail account ... give it a whirl.

This could be possible, perhaps, when IMAP will be fully functional. I believe it has better tools for managing user-account quota.
The WebMailFX Team
P.S: if you want to provide email accounts we could use it for testing...

Managing events
  • 2004/12/14 14:02

  • flyingtux

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  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

Is there somebody which modified tinyevent, adding possibility to give users permissions to submit events?
Right now, all users can submit events and there's no way to change this.
I would like to use it to help users to submit events. This avents will basically be movies which are gonna be broadcasted on tv.
I would also like to modify, at least, this module for this purpose or using a different one.
Any ideas?

Re: This si my webmailfx schinese ,but ,Ican't let it work,who can help me?
  • 2004/12/11 10:07

  • flyingtux

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  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

I can only confirm that we really like to help this user... Not only him, all users we can help!
It appears to me that he's trying to translate the module and having problems in understanding what some variables means. He also seems to be the only user among his community to use the module...
What I can suggest is:scorpian, could you please Private Message him in your mother language and then report what's exactly the problem? You will give a great service to him, to us and to the whole community.

Re: This si my webmailfx schinese ,but ,Ican't let it work,who can help me?
  • 2004/12/10 19:51

  • flyingtux

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  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

I really could not understand what's the problem. I could not go through your english...
Sorry, sorry, sorry for that, sometimes languages are such a barrier!
I could suggest you to go to a local XOOPS community and ask for help there...
This could do the tick for you:
At least try to get in touch with some other users and report problems together...

Re: XM-Memberstats 2.0b Release!!!
  • 2004/12/10 18:50

  • flyingtux

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 146

  • Since: 2004/9/6 1

After a fresh install and after running correctly the install script it worked.
Bye and thanx for being so available!

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