/attachments and /attachments/received should be chmod-ded to 777.
We're still trying to fix some particular issues before coming out with nex version, which will be 1.0RC2b.
The WebMailFX Team
mrskippy wrote:
First things first -- AWESOME module!!! I'm planning to create me own 1GB e-mail service and this will work great. :)
First, and most important, how can I delete admin e-mail accounts? I created one, but messed up. Create a second and it worked. But I can't delete the first one. :( Any advice is appreciated.
Second, do I use the POP or PHP setting? I see this ties in with cPanel, which is what I want it to ultimately do and allow users to create their own e-mail account on the server. How exactly do I need to set this? And, can users check their mail through Outlook Express, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc.?
Third, is there a way to have ads appear in the signature?
Fourth, why do users have to go to http://mcclimans.us/modules/webmailfx, but can't go to http://www.mcclimans.us/modules/webmailfx? All my modules are like this ... www doesn't work with the modules.
And finally, is there a way to offer a paid e-mail service. So, let's say I want to allow an upgrade to 3 GB (beating the competition) ... can I do that? ... if you want a free e-mail account ... give it a whirl.