Re: Can someone help me with the myads module? PLEASE
  • 2004/8/9 19:36

  • coachdash

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2004/7/31

I get the same blank page while trying to install the module while using XSAS. Then it hangs and I have to quit XSAS and re-start it.

???? I'd love to be able to use that module on my site.

Any thoughts?


Multiple Forum Posts - Cross Forum Posting
  • 2004/8/9 16:32

  • coachdash

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2004/7/31

Is there a way that an admin or webmaster can post the same topic and content accross all the forums?

I don't want users to be asking the same question in different forums, although that could be handy sometimes. But I would like to allow admins or webmasters to post accross all the forums.. News Flash.... Server Going down in 10 minutes.. or whatever.

Could replies be threaded identically in all the forums, no matter which one it orginated from?

Re: Lost Password Options
  • 2004/8/8 4:30

  • coachdash

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2004/7/31

That may be my best and only option. Unfortunately there are many of our members who don't use computers at home and most of us are .gov's. We are getting more and more reluctant to use our .gov address for even community related stuff. Hence my push to get everyone their own membership related email on our server. The lost password loop then becomes an issue.

Thanks for your reply.


Lost Password Options
  • 2004/8/6 21:20

  • coachdash

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2004/7/31

I'm creating a site where new users are not allowed to join(public access restricted). Accounts are created by site admin based on membership in the association. Email accounts user@mysite.org are the same as user accounts in Xoops. Problem is if you forget your password then you can't check your email for the new password functions to work.

I need to develop the option of asking the user a series of questions to verify his/her identity and then allow them to change the password. Of course they could just send an email or call site admin to change the password, but who wants personal contact with their membership?

OR I need some other option of resetting the password.

Has anyone done this? (I've been searching for about 3 hours now and can't spend any more time looking)

I need code... I'm way out of my league with XOOPS but I'm having a blast screwing up my site.


Applet instead of image in theme.html
  • 2004/7/31 23:16

  • coachdash

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2004/7/31

Total newbie to XOOPS - lovin' it big time!

I've installed the theme I want and it is working perfectly. In the top header I want to include an applet instead of a static image. I've figured out how to call a flash file, but this isn't a flash file, it's embedded code.

<td width="530" height="80" background="<{$xoops_imageurl}>pagebg.jpg"><APPLET CODE="fade.class" WIDTH=530 HEIGHT=80>
<PARAM NAME="GENERAL" VALUE="12|7|000000|33|40|0|3|">
<PARAM NAME="IMAGES" VALUE="couragew.jpg|couragewb.jpg|blank.jpg|commitmentw.jp|commitmentwb.jpg|blank.jpg|confidencew.jpg|confidencewb.jpg|blank.jpg|creativityw.jpg|creativitywb.jpg|blank.jpg|">

I've gathered that I need some <{$xoops_imageurl}> type tags but each logical (to me anyway) place I try I get nothing. Without any tags, just as the code is above, theme.html works great in my preview browser, but when I try it through my XOOPS page it doesn't work. Developing locally using XSAS installer.

Update module template is turned on.

Any help is enourmously appreciated.


EDIT: Class Fade not found. It's in my themes/mytheme directory along with the theme.html file and the images that make it work. ???? Not sure where to put it or how to tell XOOPS where it is.

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