Hi all,
My XOOPS site, hotdogblog.com, died over the weekend and I can't figure out why.
I want to pay someone to fix it.
The database appears in tact as do all the files. I re-uploaded all the core files, saving my mainfile.php and no joy. I didn't make any changes for a long while.
Now, all I get is the dreaded blank page with no error notices. I tried all the error notice workarounds but nothing shows.
The only thing I can think of is that it has to do with the theme. I was playing with the layout a couple of weeks back, just changing table widths and such, but I didn't delete the temp files, so maybe it took a while to see the impact of a possible error I introduced. If it is not this, then it is something with the host, but they have no idea what is wrong.
I need a pro to just take a look. Maybe it's something simple.
All offers for the job will be answered. please email to
thanks. . .my site members are so sad. . as am I at the prospect of losing the site.