Re: My xoops site died. . will pay for help

this suggests that some elements are working normally, right?


BlueStocking wrote:
using firefox show one css menu.

Resized Image


Re: My xoops site died. . will pay for help

Yes, those are probably the backups the host did before trying to reinstate an earlier backup. Will be very interested to know whether you can get it working on your LAN.

Thanks so much for your help. This is like a detective mystery.


blueteen wrote:
I found 2 sql backup on your serveur (about 85meg, for 23 and 24 april).
i'll try to restore it tomorrow (morning) on my LAN.
good night !

Re: My xoops site died. . will pay for help

Thanks all for your help. I'm using XOOPS 2.0.16.

The webhost tried to reload the database/site from the weekly backup (about 6 days prior to the crash). . It resulted in the same thing. So, I don't know if that site was already having issue then, or if this is a signal that it is something with the server and not xoops?

I have to check if they have more than just this backup.

Re: My xoops site died. . will pay for help

Strange that the message says we are closed for new registrations. . That was not the case when it went down.



BlueStocking wrote:
I went to...

Got this message..
Sorry! You are not a registered user.

Register Now!.

Then I get the message we are currently closed for registration....

nobody(user name) or someone else will have the answer.. so... hang in there!

Good luck...

Re: My xoops site died. . will pay for help

thanks! I PMed you.


blueteen wrote:
hello toddherrold,
you can PM or email me "database access", and "ftp access" if you want :)
i'm a XOOPS french team member.

Re: My xoops site died. . will pay for help

I use a modified xmbluext theme. I have tried renaming the default theme to xmbluext. . and I deleted everything in templates_c, except the index file.

I also re-uploaded a fresh version of xmbluext. . and no affect.

I'm just lost. .but thanks for the suggestions!


skenow wrote:
Well - your site is not completely dead. When you type /admin.php or /register.php after your url, you get the redirect page, which is not affected by your theme (in this case).

My suggestion starts with a question - what is the name of the theme you just activated for your site [current-theme-name]?

FTP to your site, rename that theme folder to [current-theme-name]001. Then, rename the default theme folder to [current-theme-name]. Delete all files, except index.html, from your templates_c folder.

Now try to access your site.

Re: My xoops site died. . will pay for help

Thanks for all your suggestions. I did read the faqs and attempted the workarounds for the blank page notices. Sadly, I can't get into my adminstration area, so I have no idea how to change the theme to any other default. I did reupload the theme but I can try that again. I have checked permissions to my ability/knowledge but I am not sure how extensive the permissions really are. . . I checked ones that you are supposed to modify in the install instructions. . .

So, I should have been more specific that I followed all the FAQs and that's when I decided to post.

My xoops site died. . will pay for help

Hi all,

My XOOPS site, hotdogblog.com, died over the weekend and I can't figure out why.

I want to pay someone to fix it.

The database appears in tact as do all the files. I re-uploaded all the core files, saving my mainfile.php and no joy. I didn't make any changes for a long while.

Now, all I get is the dreaded blank page with no error notices. I tried all the error notice workarounds but nothing shows.

The only thing I can think of is that it has to do with the theme. I was playing with the layout a couple of weeks back, just changing table widths and such, but I didn't delete the temp files, so maybe it took a while to see the impact of a possible error I introduced. If it is not this, then it is something with the host, but they have no idea what is wrong.

I need a pro to just take a look. Maybe it's something simple.

All offers for the job will be answered. please email to todd@toddherrold.com.

thanks. . .my site members are so sad. . as am I at the prospect of losing the site.

Re: Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?

I guess I'm a leecher. I've used XOOPS for a few websites for several years. I'm not a php programmer so there is little I can contribute beyond helping other users in the community and troubleshooting bugs. . I've done this quite a bit.

I have to say that I find the discussion of leechers very strange and it basically confirms my suspicion that XOOPS remains plagued by the political/personal issues that have wrecked this project over the last few years.

It's sad. . . but to blame the user community for not contributing to a project that is lead by "some" people who don't allow contributions is pretty offensive.

Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?

I think it's about time for the XOOPS community to get an update on the development of the next version of Xoops, whatever that may be called at this point - 2.3, 2.4, 3.0 or 4.0. . . whether it is ever to be released and whether development continues or not.

It's been over 1 year since 2.3 alpha was released with many promises of official versions shortly thereafter . . . and then there was nothing. I see in the SVN that the last 2.3 update was 3 months ago by Skalpa.


What happened over the last year at Xoops? Why no communication? It seems like XOOPS is dying a slow and painful death.

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