User's IP
  • 2004/5/19 3:57

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Dear All,

Is there any way to know which IP Address being used by a XOOPS user ?

I know, as a webmaster I can get an user IP address when he/she posted a comment. But how if he/she never post any comments but they post some message on a Forum (newbb) only. Is there any way to know which IP address is ? Through an Admin Page maybe.....?

Thanks for help....


Re: PM Quota
  • 2004/5/14 7:42

  • harlis

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Okay then, I hope that the extension will great.

If possible, there should be a Sent Folder and Trash Folder. hehehehe


PM Quota
  • 2004/5/14 7:22

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Dear All,

Is there any way to make a quota policy per-user for Private Message ?
I mean, can we limit the PM by :
- the number of messages in INBOX per-user
- the size of INBOX (bytes) per-user

I hope XOOPS Developer will help me



Delete user's messages
  • 2004/4/27 13:49

  • harlis

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Is there any way for me to delete all of a specific user's messages ?.

I mean lkke this:
I have user which has username XXX, and I want to delete all of his messages in newBB. How to do this ? Anybody can help me ?

Re: Flat??
  • 2004/4/25 9:03

  • harlis

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24


Dexmaus wrote:
Hi, how do i make all forum Flat all the time, so i dont have to click Flat in every topic everytime?

- If you are just the member, you can change the "Comments Display Mode" to be "Flat" in the Edit Account section

- If you are the Administrator, you can make "Flat" as the default of "Comments Display Mode" in System Block Admin > Preferences > General Settings


Change default view of Forum
  • 2004/4/25 7:52

  • harlis

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Dear All,

I've already installed XOOPS 2.0.6 with newBB. My forum growing, and the default view of the Forum is Threaded. I don't want like this and I want to change it to be a Flat view as a default. So I can see all of the messages on one page (of course I have to define the maximum post to be viewed on one page). Anybody know how to make the Flat type as a default Forum's view ???

Thank you,


Re: Themes diffferent in IE 5 and 6
  • 2004/4/25 7:29

  • harlis

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24


Dave_L wrote:
It's also a good idea to make sure your HTML & CSS validates:

W3C MarkUp Validation
W3C CSS Validation

Thank you Dave_L
It's really what I need. At least, I found a software (TopStyle Pro) that can make a CSS check over a variety of Browsers.

Re: Themes diffferent in IE 5 and 6
  • 2004/4/1 3:43

  • harlis

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Hey....I've searched on Google to find any Tools that can convert or validate any CSS. And guess !!! I found "TopStyle Pro 3.10" It has a feature that can check your CSS syntax against multiple browsers. It has a trial version and a free version (with limited feature, but still can check your CSS syntax against 2 different browsers).

You can check it at TopStyle Pro 3.10

Re: Themes diffferent in IE 5 and 6
  • 2004/4/1 3:23

  • harlis

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

mmm....VMWare, I've used it before. But unfortunately, It needs high hardware requirement that I don't have.

I'm still searching some tools that I can use to convert or validate my IE 6 CSS to be IE 5 enabled. It's hard to find

Re: Themes diffferent in IE 5 and 6
  • 2004/3/30 5:58

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Okay brash, I Appreciate all of your helps. I have to optimize the style_ie5.css file now. But how can I can test it on my PC, because I only have 1 IE (IE 6). Is there any tools that I can use to make an optimized version of style.css for using in style_ie5.css ?

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