Re: A Conspiracy Site
  • 2004/5/23 22:05

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

Cool site, well done. Will certainly visit again.

Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/23 2:11

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

I don't understand why some individuals can't make their points in a civilised manner, and try not to insult people they don't know. Well, here's some back Big_Bro (the alias speaks volumes, doesn't it?), see how you feel about it:

You should maybe take a few years off of posting publicly to lose your "green" hue before running off at the mouth like that, people work hard for their livelyhoods and it's just sad watching some ignoramus try to ruin them over concepts he clearly does not comprehend nor that are even relevant.

As I said in my previous post, I did not wish to talk about the actual topic anymore. But I must respond to this illiterate chappie because of his/her/its rudeness, though I do so with pity because he/she/it has quite obviously fallen out of the stupidfruit tree (from whence they think they can see the "real world") and has hit every branch on the way down.

May I, first of all, suggest that you take extended comprehension training? It would be very useful to you and I think your division at work may also benefit, and perhaps it won't have to "spin off from your company to become a subsidiary" anymore? But, perhaps more importantly, such training might actually help you to read in the posts what people actually mean and say, not what you interpret them to have said? Read carefully what the two points I contributed to this thread ACTUALLY are (and so why this is not a stupid topic):
1.The company can have whatever structure it needs to have,THIS HAS NEVER BEEN THE SUBJECT OF MY CRITICISM. That is, I did not make an issue out of this, despite how YOU (and the like) might read it. I merely followed the thread because....
2.The way that the company (or whatever it is) has presented itself (whether on purpose or not)has, however, merited mentioning and discussion -- this is what YOU (and the like) don't seem to want to comprehend and/or acknowledge, and so YOU (and the like) keep on making misleading statements about what I and others have said, even to the extent that you feel that you must resort to insults. Believe it or not, I and others also work hard for our money, and so I think its unfair for you to call us ignoramuses if we question and prod those that wish us to part with it.

And since you're so obviously wondering just what maturity is, perhaps you could consider some friendly advise? Listen and acknowledge other people's views -- even when you don't agree with them -- without resorting to insults to get your point accross (rather, try to use reason). So grow up and reflect on what you're saying, and stop insulting people you don't know -- just remember, others can often give back more than you can dish out.

Now, this is really all I have to say here, and I appeal to all to please feel free to criticise me if it makes you feel better, but could you at least be civilised about it and not resort to insults like this tiny person has? Thank you, and may all your dreams be fulfilled.

Re: You must READ this.
  • 2004/5/23 1:12

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

It looks cool, pity we can't all read russian :)
Mambo looks good, and it could be an ok cms, but I for one found it hard to install, it has bugs, and a 'hungry' community (everyone wants money for everything). I actually uninstalled one version of Mambo just recently from one of my test sites and have just installed XOOPS on it. Mambo and others such as Geeklog and Xaraya, look ok and do a good job if you're geeky and know your way around the code and the install dance and song, and can fix the bugs that they come with. Also e107 looks promising, but like xaraya is still full of bugs and comparing to XOOPS quite unstable. I consider myself a newbie, and so I appreciate the stableness of XOOPS and the ease with which I can install it and modify the themes etc, and so I will stick with it for most of my sites. But good luck with mambo, dengage, and what can one say besides "dasfidania" and best of luck with it.

Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/22 9:37

  • danMAN

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Asche, you're like me, a newbie who values transparancy. Munkus just drew my attention to 24hostingnow.com, and I surfed over to see. Looks like pretty good deals there if you're after a reseller account, and especially if you don't mind paying for a year in advance. Check this out:

1000MB Space
5GB Bandwidth
Was $95.40
Now $59.40/year
FREE Setup
You Save $36


1400MB Space
10GB Bandwidth
Was $179.40
Now $99.40/year
FREE Setup
You Save $80

Not sure if you get an IP address with these deals, but they say elsewhere that they can provide one IP for $2/month.

I also had a look at their "about us" page and their servers info -- and so what can I say in respect to my postings above? How about "I rest my case"?

Re: hostnexus.com bans xoops !!!
  • 2004/5/22 8:42

  • danMAN

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I must say, Munkus, this does look a fine host indeed. I especially appreciated the up-front information on who they are and what they offer. The reseller package special of just under $60 a year is pretty good, too. I will certainly have a closer look at this host. Thanks for the "shameless plug"

Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/22 8:20

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

My, and you do sing such a song, little birdie
Couldn't give two hoots whether you like what I say, or if you posted more on this forum than me, but out of curiosity: why do you take umbrage at my honest attempts to let everyone know that surpass is really a subsidiary of hosdime? This at the same time when your strident proclamations everywhere about this host is becoming quite tiresome. Go ahead and be happy with them, and yes, you said it already. Yes, you're right, it doesn't matter whether what their company structure is, nor does it matter that they are who they are and do what they do. What is important (to me, at least) is that I know who they are and that they do not say so up front. Of course they are entitled to be so, and, likewise, I am entitled to keep my money in the pocket. Again (pay attention here:) it doesn't matter who they are, or that they are simply a subsidiary of another company, but it does matter when they make themselves out to be unique in so many ways, declaring things like: "Reseller Hosting at Surpass. The Most Affordable Reseller Plans. Period." Therefore, I would suggest that I am justified in sharing this with people, no? Just like you are in telling everyone how happy you are with the host, and I could call your stuff "crap", too, (because there are other hosts that give better service out there), but I won't. And with this, I am going to say no more on this subject as it seems that some people are not mature enough and get upset easily if things are said that don't somehow suit them, as if it impacts on them personally. So if you feel somehow afronted by all this, well then -- sorry, and I wish you and your chooks (Er, I mean, birdies) the best of luck.

Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/22 2:09

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

Gee, that was quick, I wonder how ...?

Anyway, here's a bit more of my two cents worth

SURPASS:[size=x-small]"The fact that our company is partnered with another only means we have a large hold on the market, because we have the facilities and the stablity to do so."[/size]

Sure thing, and there's nothing wrong with it, but I (as a prospective customer) would have liked to see this up front on your site somewhere (Like a section on "about us" or similar). Things are not helped by the "look at us, we offer such unique services" drumbeat, you look silly and become less trustworthy when customers find this is not quite so, but that instead you are in many ways a replicant of your mysterious "parent company". Just say what you are: A subsidiary of hostdime. I would've had absolutely no problems with that, and I mighthave seriously considered signed up with you (though the funny wording of some of your tos would have had to be clarified further, and IP addresses provided with the reseller accounts, among other things.

HOSTDIME: [size=x-small]"HostDime Is the parent company Started Business in Dec 2001 and domain was registered in Jan 2002 Surpass Is a subsidary of the parent company with it's own management.
HostDime Purchased Servercove to exand more into the dedicated Server Market.
VirtueHosting is not affilated with Any hostdime subsidaries. Virtuehosting is client of hostdime. Virtue rents dedicated servers from HostDime"

First of all, congrats for being so quick providing your feedback in here (is there a birdie among us?). It's great that we now know a bit more about you and your "subsidiary". And trust me, customers (especially Xoopers) are quite inquisitive chappies, hence the 'research and the comments'. Again, it would have made the trustworthiness factor way better if people had the option of knowning what you just clarified for us in here. You might think it isn't my business or that of others to know this, but ask yourself this: why should I give my CC number over the web to someone whom, apart form a glitzy website, I don't really know, and then find that they're telling fibs and masking their identity (whether 'unintentionally' or not). Even in the comments in response to here you seem to imply that you're focused on growth, and thus anything goes. Man! (or woman?) that's the wrong attitude when you try to illuminate the reasons for something that doesn't sit quite right with a prospective customer! But the effort to clarify things is apopreciated, indeed. Thanks.

Just a clarification re comments on the reseller accounts, this interests me not because I want to sell hosting, but because I have a number of my own sites which I find more economical to manage on a 'reseller' account. Whether shared or resseler, or whatever, the significance of the questions raised here remains the same.

Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/21 14:15

  • danMAN

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Yes, I have some real doubts too. It appears surpass hosting are not so unique after all. As pointed out above, there is some kind of weird thing going on with this host and it's claim to be so hot and "unique".

This is what I find advertised on the reseller page on surpasshosting.com:

Why should I choose Surpass Hosting?
You have access to the most sophisticated top of the line servers, loads of features AND one important feature we give that no one else does. We host your main website for FREE. We give you true space and bandwidth to resell. Your website doesn't take away from the space we provide you. For example, say you get the Silver plan, your website will not use up part of the 5000MB of the reseller plan. Your website alone gets 5000MB space aside from the 5000MB you can resell. The bandwidth limit on the free, main account (on all reseller plans) is 10GB. *Space on the main account and reseller account can not be combined and no additional domains can be hosted on the free, main account.

Now, this is what you'll find on the reseller page at hostdime.com:

Why should I choose HostDime instead of others??
As a HostDime reseller, You have access to the most sophisticated top of the line servers AND one important feature We give that no one else does is we host your main website for FREE. Yes you heard right. We give you a true space and bandwidth to resell. Your website doesn't take away from the space we provide you. For example when you go to fill our online form, it will ask you for your domain. Say you get the silver plan, your domain will not use up part of the 3000MB of the reseller plan. Your website alone gets 3000MB Space aside from the 3000MB you can resell. The bandwidth Limit on the free account is 10 gigs free isn't that great? YES we know. so go sign up now here ~~> SignUp Forum * Space can not be combined and no additional domains can be hosted on the main free account *

You can see many more similarities between the two sites if you look closely. For instance, it appears that they share a number of servers with the same names -- check their status pages: hostdime and surpass

So I can tell you that I feel somewhat relieved I didn't sign up with surpass (and I don't think I will with hostdime either )
I first became a bit uneasy about surpass when I was browsing through their pages and found a few links not working -- this is always a warning sign. Then I looked at their terms of service and found a few things that didn't add up. I posted a few questions in the forums, which got some weird answers, and so on. Before I viewed this thread here, I had already made up my mind not to go with them when I found that they don't offer IP addresses as standard with reseller packages (although they would if you pay them extra).
I am not saying that you should not sign up with them, they might be ok, and some people posting here seem very happy with them. But I thought that the xoop community should be aware that surpass is not as 'unique' as it is claimed on their site (And, of course, this in itself is not a crime, but when it comes to someone hosting my sites ....)

Re: hostnexus.com bans xoops !!!
  • 2004/5/21 12:46

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

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That sucks (closing your site down without checking, I mean). We need to know who these service providers are so we can avoid them, sounds like they are just plain lazy. Anyone can just simply send an email to them and say they are spammed by you, this is unacceptable and hosts need to adhere to some sort of policy where they must contact you and give you time to explain before actually shutting you down. So I think it is also up to us to clarify such issues before we sign up with them, I know from bitter experience that many hosts out there have some draconian policies on how to deal with customers. If you take the time to read their TOS, then you can save yourself some trouble later, methinks Take for instance surpass hosting, about which there was so much noise elsewhere on this forum of late. I was really excited about them and raring to sign up, until I read their AUP closely, and shot them a few questions in their forums ... I am posting a bit more on this in one of the surpass threads.

Re: hostnexus.com bans xoops !!!
  • 2004/5/16 12:53

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

I am really glad this has had a favourable outcome (for xoops, of course ) No more said from this little happy chappie, and good on hostnexus for clarifying matters and redeeming xoops.

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