Re: WFSECTION: Unable to delete the template
  • 2005/1/9 10:21

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10

Buzzz.... Looks like topic got lost in the forum.... bringing it back to light.

Something needs to be figured out here ?

Re: WFSECTION: Unable to delete the template
  • 2005/1/7 11:05

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10


On debuging article.php i found that the page breaks out at this line

$articletag["image"] = $article->articleimg("S", 0, 1);

can anyone tell me whats causing this ?

Re: WFSECTION: Unable to delete the template
  • 2005/1/6 17:10

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10

Could someone look into this... I am yet to figure out the cause :(

Sometimes things really go weired without warning.

WFSECTION: Unable to delete the template
  • 2005/1/5 18:29

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10


All of a sudden the Articles stoped getting displayed, i didnt do anythings with setups. A new article was posted and today and when i tried to read the article i realised that none or the articles can be read. I get a blank page. Dit setup php debug on to check if it says somethings, but nothing came other than a blank page. First reaction was that template must have gone bad so i tried to remove the templates and recreate it, but to my suprise when i tried to delete the template got the following message

Could not delete wfsection_htmlart.html from the database. and similar message for few other templates, i could not make out what is the issue why all of a sudden it broke off. can some one give me some clue and fixes.

Thanks for your time and cooperation.


I deleted all the templates from sql and regenerated them. Still i am not able to see the page. Same blank page without any php error. Can anyone tell me what all could be the potential issues or causes for getting this white page. I checked the permision of cache its 777 and from prefrences i removed the cache time seting.

Newbb rights quesitons
  • 2005/1/3 8:30

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10


is it possible to create group which will have just delete and edit permision over all the posts, but no access to newbb admin section. As of now the group members just get permision for delete and edit there posts only.

I want to set up a group of moderators who dont have access to admin menu but has rights to delete or edit any post. Any idea how to set this.

Re: Flash in newbb2 posts
  • 2005/1/3 5:04

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10

Predator i have done that.

This is what i am doing.
1. admin -> forums-> forumtopic -> enabled "Allow html"
2. Forums -> forumtopic -> Reply -> enabled "html tags"

I still face the issue.

This is what i see when i dont enable html tags

Resized Image

and this is what i see once i enable the html tags in post
Resized Image

How can i cross verify or debug this issue.

Re: Flash in newbb2 posts
  • 2005/1/2 17:02

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10

"Enable XOOPS line breaks" i guess something like this is causing problem, but i cannot figure it out where the hell its been enabled. Can some one point me to it.

Re: Flash in newbb2 posts
  • 2005/1/2 6:38

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10

ya i use the default one.
I guess some devs might give the solutions. phpbb, predator guys could you look in.

Re: Flash in newbb2 posts
  • 2005/1/1 19:10

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10

funny part is that if i write that piece of html in [ q u o t e ] and [ / q u o t e ] then also it gets parsed

Re: Flash in newbb2 posts
  • 2005/1/1 19:07

  • vinit

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2004/1/10

Still the same, somehow i am also not able to figure out whats making it rewrite the code. I have enabled the "html tags" in newbb preferences, in forum preferences and also selected it while posting, but some how its rewriting the code, replacing \n with
and links to

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