Ok first of all sorry guys I do not have all the time i wanted to , to work on the module. I Am quite busy untill july.
The good news is I found i bit of time to fix some of the bugs (most of the critical):
## 07/04/2008 Some design changes Some organisational changes Bugs fixed:
1933366 Redirect page when user does not exist. Giba
1904670 Textual error: "see your emails" dbrazil
1933885 No avatar for userid above 100
1902089 filename for thumbnail is too long frogx
1888645 yogurt.css
1888643 cr in scraps 1888640 display error with right column
1888639 too much friends, no second page
1886972 avatar in scraps
1886412 notification is not sent to PM for new scraps notifications
1886319 website url in user's profile
Can someone try it on a new install of XOOPS please before I release it as oficial?
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=204109&package_id=253562&release_id=590587And please do not forget this is not a final release , so don t use it on production sites.
All support on sourceforge it makes my life much easier!