I've used the hack from Jan's site, and it worked without a problem using XOOPS 2.02, W2K Server and IIS.
My only reservation with using such a hack (which has already been brought up I think) is that to my understanding the way it works is by leaving sessions open for extended periods of time. My problems with this method are;
1. on a site with a lot of traffic, there would be a significant performnace hit on your server.
2. Using this method is not suitable to have true "never log off" option.
3. Using this method the "Who's Online" block will always be inaccurate as it'll be populated by not only active sessions, but sessions that may have been inactive for several days depending on what you have set your session timeout to be.
This all said I think it's a very welcome hack, and given the option of having it, or not having it I most certainly am on the side of it being there. Better to have some form of auto login than none at all.
I've been an end user of CMS modules for far longer than I've been running them on my website (and thus have zero programming knowledge, so forgive me if I'm being simplistic), and I've always found it extremely frustrating not being able to set the option to login automatically to a site, especially when signing up to dozens of sites with lots having different username and password length and makup requirements making it difficult to have a generic username and password to use on all sites.
The lack of a auto login feature is one of three problems I've come across with XOOPS which if I hadn't been able to find some workaround for would've forced me to look at another CMS as my solution. Other than that, XOOPS is a top CMS and is well ahead on the easy of use and managebility side of things.
like most people aware of the lack of a true auto login feature, I encourage the XOOPS devs to keep up the great work, but please look into implementing a configuratble true auto-login feature into the core for a future release. Perhaps even in it's own module?