Re: xRoster 2.0 problem with ( v ) and ( ' ) or vees and apostrophes

Hey there. . .I don't have a solution for you but just wanted to let you know, you are not alone! I just noticed that the "v" in email addy's in my installation doesn't work either. The v works in other fields so far though. That's pretty weird, eh?

Also, in the info fields, members can't write text using apostrophes ( ' ) or it crashes the SQL in index.php. . . I haven't been able to figure this one out either. . .

You can see it here:

Re: [myMEDIA] Test my new media manager module

got it. . when i tried it, it only showed the one link, rather than everything linked on the page. . need to tinker some more.

thanks again.

Re: xRoster - right blocks

I don't know why it was there either, but commenting it out definitely solved the problem I also was having with the right blocks not showing up.


Re: [myMEDIA] Test my new media manager module

Yes, I have the "list" feature enabled, but was hoping to add the pictures as well to this page. I will look at the code and try to incorporate it. . . but I'm not great with php yet. I have to look at the "linked to" block, but i changed the names of the blocks so i don't know which one for sure that is. .

Re: [myMEDIA] Test my new media manager module

I've done a lot of testing of myMedia since launching it on my new dog site. it's great so far. a couple of thoughts:

1. I quickly ran out of space on one page, and so had to go to "categories" by making a dummy page and then filing actual videos under this page. It works fine, but it would be nice to have a true categorization scheme so that video images show up on the category page like they would on the index page, rather than just being able to show links or a path to the videos. . Don't know how easy this mod would be.

2. Ability to search alphabetically, like in wfdownloads.

Thanks for a great module.

Re: Multisite for 2.0.10?

so far, no one has reported revising the hack for 2.0.10 as far as I can tell.

Re: [myMEDIA] Test my new media manager module

Mizi - Thanks for the code!!! I implemented a variant of it and it works beautifully. . . insert following code into /include/media.php

<!-- END mov -->

} elseif (eregi('ram', substr($media_url, -3)) OR eregi('rm', substr($media_url, -3)) ) {
// RAM - RM
$icon = '<a href="'.$media_url.'" target="_blank"><img src="'.XOOPS_URL.'/modules/myMedia/images/icon/mov.gif" /></a>';
$media = '
<!-- BEGIN ram/rm -->
classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" WIDTH=480 HEIGHT=360>
<param name="src" value="'.$media_url.'" />
<param name="autostart" value="true" />
<param name="controls" value="imagewindow,all" />
<param name="console" value="one" />

<!-- END ram/rm -->

I couldn't get the params for what looked like auto width and height to work sufficiently with the code mizi provided, so I just set the width and height manually. I also changed the autostart param and console param.

You can check it out here:


Also, for anyone trying to tweak this for your purposes, the following official realmedia help page is excellent:


Re: [myMEDIA] Test my new media manager module

Thanks for the fast response. I should have been able to figure out how to tweak the default settings for the sub menu. . .

Fantastiche! Thanks for your efforts. I've been looking for something like this for a long time, but nothing ever had the right combo of functionality for me.

One feature I'd like to know about is user submissions? It seems like some of the settings are set up for this, but I don't see where a user would do this without access to the admin section of the site. . .

Re: [myMEDIA] Test my new media manager module

the module works great! i love it so far. . . there are a couple of things that i'm not sure how to deal with.

1) .ram files don't play properly. This is a real media filetype. can I easily add this to a mime type for the module?

2) is there a way to prevent the index of files/pages from being added to the user menu underneath the link for the module section? with a long list of files, this gets out of hand. .

3). is it possible to limit the number of files that show up in the menu block list? this seems to quickly get out of hand also.

You can check out my site here:

Re: wordpress comments hole.

blacklist is not sufficient. there needs to be proactive measures like trencaspammer has, user has to actively input code. . . it's too much admin to constantly update the blacklist.

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