you had an other solution....
a little bit complex...
To display different background images to fit visitor's resolution screen
It is simply solved with a javascript resolution test to build the BODY tag on demand
The var use limit this script to be used with internet explorer only
It needs to adapt theme.html in its BODY part :
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
if (screen.height<=600)
document.write('< BODY background="imgages/fdacc800.jpg" leftmargin=0topmargin=0bgproperties=fixed>');
if ((screen.height>600)&&(screen.height<=768))
document.write('< BODY background="imgages/fdacc1024.jpg" leftmargin=0topmargin=0bgproperties=fixed>');
if (screen.height>768)
document.write('< BODY background="images/fdacc1280.jpg" leftmargin=0topmargin=0bgproperties=fixed>');
Note : delete space before BODY