Re: Addresses & Google Maps
  • 2011/1/31 20:37

  • fdeconiac

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Hi webowner,

To create your menus as you want, i advice you to use a specific module to do it, like "multimenu" module


Re: Addresses & Google Maps
  • 2011/1/31 18:30

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

So cool!!! This is the best news of the day :)

I was asking if we could add, like in the profile module, the possibility to add fields by ourselves ? This would be so great :)


Re: XinCodes 1.05
  • 2011/1/29 10:48

  • fdeconiac

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Hi wishcraft,

Sorry to learn what happens to your computer :(

I didn't found how to manage user affecting group using xincode...? Could you give me some advices ?

Quote: fdeconiac wrote: Really interesting module! Is there any posibility to add this option : if user have a specific code for his regitration (that i would communicate in my association newsletter'), he could be directly in a specific group? You can do this with profile 1.66 and later. With either validation code, the xincode rule in validation. Or other rules as well in other pages with more validation field and particular validation options supporting the environment.

Thanks and have a nice weekend, ;)

EvenNews: A newsletter module to be updated!
  • 2011/1/29 9:30

  • fdeconiac

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Hi everyone,

I discovered this week the EvenNews module, which manage the sending of newsletters, allowing text or html.

A really nice, simple and usefull module, but looking quite old (2006). Some updates should be great!

I suggest these follow ones, but there should be so much more :

* Evennews admin pages:
- Same text appears for 2 fields description (text for unsubsribe and for legal text about the use of the mails)
- Config : change list of number of news to display (5, 10, 15,...) on main page by a text field (0, 1, 2, 3,... 32...)
- Add stats on each newsletter (openning,...)

* Evennews public pages:
- Main page : newsletter appears under long text message, without taking into account html code
- Main page : long page... should be simplified!

Kindly regards

Re: XinCodes 1.05
  • 2011/1/24 13:04

  • fdeconiac

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Hi Wishcraft,

Thanks for your answer! I asked on many topics, but no-one seems to know how to manage default affecting group during registration!

Could you give me more details about it ? Could it be possible with a sql function with xincode, like :

if code="friend" then change user-group to group 4
if code="premium" then change user-group to group 7
else code="null" then change user-group to group 2

Maybe what i'm written is totally strange, I don't know anthing in coding... :(

Thanks for your helpfull advices :)

Re: Rewriting Profile Module... Want to have some input. (And info about new xroster)
  • 2011/1/22 22:12

  • fdeconiac

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Lots of interesting ideas!

I think it would be nice to include xincode in profile...

That would be nice to manage "default affecting group" for a new user, depending on a code he would specify during the registration.

like :
code "man => the user will be assigned to the group "x"
code "woman" => the user will be assign to the group "y"

So we wouldn't have to manage affecting group by ourselves! If they have a specific code (given in the association magazine, or closed community), they will be affect in the good group!

What do you think about it ?


PS : i'm also ready to test this new module on my test site !

TAG : How to surch on our own website ?
  • 2011/1/18 7:27

  • fdeconiac

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Morning !

I would like to use the tag system to look for content in my own website around a word or expression...

Now, i can only surch on google and tecknorati, and i don't even know how to change it!

Could we add in admin a part to manage where to surch with tags (like our xoops system, google, bing,...) ?

Regards ;)

Re: help for Test extgallery 1.0.9!!!!
  • 2011/1/16 21:16

  • fdeconiac

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Fully agree, in fact i'm not using half of these pages on my website :)

Nice idea to merge them and simplify admin !

Re: help for Test extgallery 1.0.9!!!!
  • 2011/1/16 13:54

  • fdeconiac

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Just found an other pb with the "gallerieview" slideshow :
Width and height are both 100% of the window, so ratio picture is not respected.

Could we correct it so that picture would be adjusted only by long side = 100% ?

Other slideshows seems to work fine :)

Also to edit a previous post :

For categories, i think it would be easier to understand if we could see all albums listed in rows, with icons to edit, delete, put online/offline (temporary hide an album)... and a link on top to add a new album.

I forgot to add "Rebuild" :)

Re: help for Test extgallery 1.0.9!!!!
  • 2011/1/16 12:52

  • fdeconiac

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Hi Voltan,

Just tried it...

=> I active in "preferences" the tag option, but i don't see any fiel "tag" on photo admin ?

In fact i see 2 fields, but i think they are "title" and "description"...

Can we add the tag field, and also add for all the name of the field like :

Title :
Description :
Tag : (if set to YES)

Thanks for your work !

I'm ready test it again :)

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