we hope that implement the functions of yogurt in the core (friendships, messages, video, audio ...)
//urbanspaceman add
function xoopsCodeMp3(id, enterMp3Phrase, enterMp3AuthorPhrase, enterMp3TitlePhrase){
var selection = getSelect(id);
if (selection.length > 0){
var text = selection;
var text = prompt(enterMp3Phrase, "");
var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
if ( text.length>0 ) {
var text2 = prompt(enterMp3AuthorPhrase, "");
var text3 = prompt(enterMp3TitlePhrase, "");
var result = "[mp3=autore:"+text2+" titolo:"+text3+"]" + text + "[/mp3]";
xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);
//end urbanspaceman add
//urbanspaceman add
if (!empty($myts->config['extensions']['mp3'])) {
$code .= "
{$image_path}/mp3.gif' alt='" . _ALTMP3 . "' onclick='xoopsCodeMp3("{$textarea_id}","" . htmlspecialchars(_ENTERMP3URL, ENT_QUOTES) . "","" . htmlspecialchars(_ENTERAUTHOR, ENT_QUOTES) . "","" . htmlspecialchars(_ENTERTITLE, ENT_QUOTES) . "");' onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"'/> ";
//end urbanspaceman add
Hello everyone, I made an hack to dhtml editor. I added a button that allows you to add an mp3 player with a flash player (much better than WMP ). Good idea for the incoming nextr release of Xoops! Here are the images and link to zip file, simply overwrite the file. (made in XOOPS 2.3 Rc version)