Re: Xoops Trafic Performance
  • 2004/10/25 18:45

  • Xman04

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  • Since: 2004/7/12

Hi Bsacco,

I'm wondering the same thing. I've been doing some research on this question, but I've not found an answer to this.

One of the big factors may be whether you use a shared host or a dedicated server. On a shared host, the efficiency of your site is at least partially dependent on how efficiently the host manages their server resources (and their server configurations). If you can afford it, you are better off on a dedicated server, since you are not competing with others for resources.

Unfortunately, I cannot afford a dedicated server at this time, which is why I'm trying to find out how XOOPS performs in high traffic on shared hosting (and which shared hosting plans work the best).

Another factor is how graphics intensive your site is. The more graphics/downloads/uploads, the more load on the server being used. This may not be a major factor on a high capacity dedicated server, but may be a significant factor on a shared host.

As for how XOOPS can handle high traffic in an optimal operating environment, I would imagine that it works fine (unless there are bugs in the code that cause problems during high traffic). From what I read, PHP and MySQL can handle a lot (and this is what XOOPS is based upon).

Anyway, I'm pretty much rambling here, since I really don't know how XOOPS will perform at various traffic levels, and on various types of hosting/servers. I wish there were some documented guidelines available on this.

I'm planning a huge move for one of my old web sites, from static to CMS with Xoops. I would hate for the site to not work right or not work at all under heavy traffic. This is why I'm trying to find some information on how XOOPS performs under various conditions, before I completely commit to making this big move to Xoops.


Re:Experiences with Surpass hosting???
  • 2004/10/25 5:24

  • Xman04

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  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12

Hi tjnemez, Jackwan, and Stewdio,

Thanks for all your input.

I need to weigh the tradeoff between the generous amount of capacity they offer, and their current technical issues. Their Power, Deluxe, and Pro plans are better than anything I've seen. However, if my site is going to load so slow or crash so much that it turns away web traffic on a constant basis, then this would be a major problem.

From what I read in their forums, a couple of customers ran scripts that overwhelmed their servers. I'm not sure how other hosts handle that problem, but I would think that there would be some kind of threshold mechanism to shut off a site when it starts hogging too much capacity. Or, maybe this is just one of the disadvantages of using shared hosting, rather than a dedicated server. Unfortunately, I can only afford a shared package at this time.

I'm still wondering how XOOPS performs in general on shared hosting configurations. I've not used an XOOPS site in a moderate or high traffic environment as of yet, so I really don't know how it will perform.

Generally, what is the maximum amount of traffic that an XOOPS site can handle on a shared server (without frequent slowdowns, crashes, or getting shutdown by the hosting service)? I'm not sure if anyone has a definitive answer to this, but I'm just curious if anyone has any observations or experiences to share regarding this.


Experiences with Surpass hosting???
  • 2004/10/25 3:41

  • Xman04

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12


I'm considering developing a new XOOPS site, and using Surpass.com as my web host. I learned about Surpass through some of the posts here.

The Surpass hosting plans look great. However, I've noticed quite a few recent posts in their forum, regarding slow load times, web sites that won't load at all, and problems with their servers.

I'm wondering about the experiences of other XOOPS users who use Surpass to host their XOOPS site.

How efficiently does Surpass handle moderate to high traffic XOOPS sites, especially with their shared hosting plans?


PHP 5.x upgrade issues
  • 2004/10/24 23:22

  • Xman04

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  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12


I've heard that XOOPS has problems with PHP 5.x. As of now, my XOOPS web site sits on a host that uses PHP 4.3.9.

What would happen if my host decided to upgrade to PHP 5.x? What kind of errors might my XOOPS site be vulnerable to? I'm only using the main XOOPS modules at this time, and have not added any third party modules.

After reading about the possible PHP 5 errors, I'm concerned about the consequences of my host or any host upgrading to PHP 5 in the future.

Any thoughts or experiences with this issue?


Re:How to reference an Image URL for a banner?
  • 2004/10/20 2:27

  • Xman04

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  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12

Hi Jack,

I originally used the full path for my image (as you suggested), but XOOPS rendered an incorrect URL address for some reason. I tried the full path again after receiving your post, and now it is working. Thus, I'm not sure what went wrong earlier.

Anyway, it is working now, so I'm happy!

Thank you for the help,

How to reference an Image URL for a banner?
  • 2004/10/19 20:10

  • Xman04

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  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12


I'm having trouble using the Banner administration section in the System module.

What is the proper format/code for referencing an Image URL address in the banner administration section? XOOPS provides an Image URL input box for inputting the banner image address. However, I cannot figure out what to put in place of "DOMAININSTALLDIR".

The XOOPS banners that come with the default installation of XOOPS are not displaying. I clicked on edit to see how one of the banner images was addressed, and it shows the following in the Image URL input box:


When I right click on where the banner image should be displaying and view the properties of the rendered HTML address, it shows the following:


I tried replacing DOMAININSTALLDIR with the installation folder name for XOOPS and with a couple of diffent XOOPS path functions, but that doesn't work either.

I know that there is a simple answer to this, but I have no clue.


Themes that are compatible with all browsers????
  • 2004/10/14 22:47

  • Xman04

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12


Some browser versions have problems properly rendering XOOPS themes. The block overlapping problem seems fairly common, especially with older versions of IE and maybe other browsers. I'm aware that the main issue is with how the CSS is interpreted by a given browser.

Does anyone know of any themes that are compatible with most browsers and most browser versions? I'm assuming that the more complex the theme, the more cross compatibility issues there are. I'm looking for a theme or themes that do not produce block overlapping or any other visual distortions across the majority of browsers (new and old versions).

There are many wonderful themes in the XOOPS theme library, but I have no way of knowing how those themes look in older browsers (unless one of my site visitors tells me it looks messed up, which I want to avoid). Thus, I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions or recommendations for themes that render properly across most browsers (and across most versions).


Re:Banner logo address is incorrect
  • 2004/10/6 5:02

  • Xman04

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  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12

Hi Arowana and SevenD,

I think that maybe I made a huge installation mistake.

The community folder is a subfolder I created within the public_html folder of my host account. I access the XOOPS portion of my site by typing the URL: http://www.mysite.com/community. When I type that, it brings me to the start page of my XOOPS site. The themes folder is a subfolder of the community folder (not on the same level).

Should I have installed XOOPS into the public_html folder of my host account, instead of the community subfolder I created? Is this what is causing my problems? Does the root level domain need to be the start page?

I was going to use http://www.mysite.com as an intro page, which provided a link to the start page of the XOOPS community section of my site (http://www.mysite.com/community). What about installing XOOPS to a subdomain. Would this cause the same problems?


Banner logo address is incorrect
  • 2004/10/5 22:58

  • Xman04

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  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12

I'm using the 7dana-jane theme for my site. I replaced the XOOPS logo banner at the top with my own logo banner. I did this by replacing the logo.jpg in the themes images folder (for 7dana-jane) with my own logo.jpg (same file name, different image).

I went into the themes.html, and replaced the banner image reference to themes/7dana-jane/images/logo.jpg. I wouldn't have changed this, but neither my banner nor the original 7dana-jane banner version would render in any module except for the start page. The original code referenced some kind of PHP function, which I don't understand. Thus I replaced it with a pure html reference to my image as stated above.

My changes work out fine on the start page if I do not include a module. However, when I navigate to another module or include a module in the start page (such as the news module), the active module adds it's module address.

Thus, instead of the correct address of:


The address becomes:


Obviously, this is the incorrect address to where the image is currently located. I could fix this by changing themes/7dana-jane/images/logo.jpg to images/logo.jpg in the theme.html, and copying my logo.jpg to the images folder of each module and to the images folder in the main directory. However, this is very redundant, since I would have to include the same logo file in each module.

How do I have XOOPS retrieve/render my banner logo from the same image folder, regardless of which module is navigated to?


Re: Zaja_Color theme left center and right center blocks overlap in IE6 only
  • 2004/10/5 22:22

  • Xman04

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  • Since: 2004/7/12


I just looked at your site, and the LC and RC columns are not overlapping in my IE 6.0 browser. They are against each other, but there is no overlap. Although, when the site was first loading, they were overlapping (but then corrected itself).

I've had your problem in earlier versions of IE (5.0 and 5.5), but it seems ok in 6.0. As for why this is happening in any version of IE, I've heard that it is some kind of CSS problem with IE.

There is some kind of fix, but I'm not sure where this fix is documented in full. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that your site looks fine in my IE 6.0 browser.

Wish I could offer more help, but I'm still a beginner at this.


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