Re: Open letter to module devs
  • 2011/2/12 13:51

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

I like your answer Mamba. I'm agree we already see more and more developpers working together recently.

But we could we create a specific part on xoops.org, where we could see infos for each module :
- who is working on it
- what are the development perspectives
- which requests have been taking into account (we see a lot, and i also post a lot :), in forums, but as xoopser, i never know if my request have been read by the module developers or not, and more important, if they added it in their planning)

For now, it's just good surprise when we see a new module version, or bad hope when we never see it for some module. This informations could be usefull for xoopser.

There is a site, babylon by xoops, that was quite interesting for this, showing only last module version, ... do not remember who did it, but the idea was quite similar, communicating more on themes and modules news and objectives.

Re: Open letter to module devs
  • 2011/2/12 13:16

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

Well, i think everyone would be agree on these benefic points that would not ask too much developments, but more organisation and communication about module development.

Question is : who is responsible of such decision and who is able to organise it ? Who could help to think about the way to improve it and give some time to organise it ?

Re: Open letter to module devs
  • 2011/2/12 9:42

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

I do not understand everything about your discussion, but i'm fully agree about module :

A new move should be launch to regroup modules and stop develop new modules update just for 1 or 2 years... So much work is lost !

I'm thinking in news and xnews for exemple : first it's complicated for developpers to understand which one to choose and which one is still developped, and more over, it's imply twice developper work!!!

Why not considering a page on xoops.org, indicated the modules still followed/updated (insurrance from xoops) and the developpers in charge (studying requests and plannishing them).

I even think the module download part on xoops website is an error, lots of modules not updated being there. What for ? Will you download a module not updated for 2 years, compatible with xoops 2.0 ? This is quite pertubing.

This is to my mind the strongest default in xoops : module developpers coordination.

Hope someone will be able to reconsidering it for the best of xoops :)

Have a nice weekend

Re: XOOPS Engine : Installation PB
  • 2011/2/11 20:00

  • fdeconiac

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tks, i can access first install page!

But i still get an error :

Warning: is_readable() [function.is-readable]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/cd0e2b2b1cbea1b1ee96dd4cb620538a.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home:/usr/share/php) in /home/www/install/class/installwizard.php on line 206

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/install/class/installwizard.php:206) in /home/www/install/class/installwizard.php on line 60

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/install/class/installwizard.php:206) in /home/www/install/class/installwizard.php on line 61

XOOPS Engine : Installation PB
  • 2011/2/11 16:51

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

Hi all,

I met this pb trying to install xoops engine :

Warning: include(/XoopsEngine/lib/Xoops.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/boot.php on line 33

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/XoopsEngine/lib/Xoops.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /home/www/boot.php on line 33

Fatal error: Class 'XOOPS' not found in /home/www/boot.php on line 34

Any idea ?


PS : I'm using PHP 5.3.3

Re: Extgallery 1.09 RC : Photos not displays
  • 2011/2/11 1:25

  • fdeconiac

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  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

Hello Voltan,

I did it without success.

I sent you a private mail with website direction...


Re: Extgallery 1.09 RC : Photos not displays
  • 2011/2/10 16:37

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

Hello Voltan,

I already cleaned cash without success...

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.0
PHP Version 5.2.17
mySQL Version 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.5-log
Server API apache2handler
OS Linux
safe_mode Off
register_globals On
magic_quotes_gpc On
allow_url_fopen On
fsockopen On
post_max_size 50M
max_input_time 30
output_buffering 4096
max_execution_time 30
memory_limit 45M
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 50M

Any other idea ?


Extgallery 1.09 RC : Photos not displays
  • 2011/2/9 10:39

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29


I think i made an error by updating 1.09RC by 1.09beta and next 1.09beta to 1.09RC

Now, i can't see any photo in my gallery (i see the text name or description...), neither on admin side...

Can someone help me ?

TAG module : How to tag on our own site?
  • 2011/2/5 7:46

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29


In fact i think to already know the answer : i do not find any option in the module to use the tag system in my own site, to find other articles or content from an expression or word...

So, would it be possible to add an option, choosing where we want to tag (in preferences)... Sites like Technorati or Flickr are not use in some countries!

Thanks for your help,


Xnews : hide date like we can hide author
  • 2011/2/2 12:59

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

I advice you xnews : it's based on news module, but updated. Also you can clone it...

I'm using it twice after cloning :
- "xnews" for pages (quite static content)
- "actualites" (xnews cloned) for news

By the way, it would be nice to add the possibility to hide date in preferences, so we could easily use it as content module (as we can hide author) If someone is able to do iit in next release... :)


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