Re: Xoops 2.3 Wishlist
  • 2008/7/26 11:23

  • bumciach

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 153

  • Since: 2007/6/25

- permissions summaries for XoopsGroupPermForm class - when you have many groups and many categories you get billions of checkboxes (even you don't want to change anything, only looked what perms was set).
Maybe a view to show table with only these groups which have set any permission (with name of this perms). And then you decide if you must go to form to edit perms or not.

- maybe groups and subgroups with tree of permissions (like PHPGACL)? ;)

- simply event logging system. We have
$modversion['hasSearch'], $modversion['hasComments'], $modversion['hasNotification']

so why don't
PS. captcha is bad, evil, not web-usabillity, etc. :P

Re: not logging in using IE 7
  • 2008/2/12 15:21

  • bumciach

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 153

  • Since: 2007/6/25

I have this problem too. Firefox works fine, but IE can't login.
This problem have started when I moved XOOPS 2.0.18 from windows server to server under Linux (with newer versions apache, mysql, php). But there was a few minutes when everything worked fine... strange!

I changed '/kernel/session.php' file, uninstalled Protector module, etc. Nothing.

I switched 'Use custom session' to 'NO' and this resolved problem... for now.

EDIT: After one day it still works! Turning off 'Use custom session' option (General Preferences) is the solution.

phpGACL with Xoops
  • 2008/2/10 17:30

  • bumciach

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 153

  • Since: 2007/6/25

Anybody try integrates phpGACL class into Xoops?

I create several XOOPS modules, which are using by employees who work in different departments. It's my first project that big. And manage of users and permissions became a bit difficult.
Users from one department can't view/edit values assigned to different one. There are also groups of users (f.e. management team) without restrictions depending on department. Etc., etc...
Now I have one group for each module and each department. In addition inside modules I appoint users with extra/special rights. It's not too flexible.

phpGACL implements subgroups and allow set rights even to single user. And all of this in one place. I think that managing of users and groups permissions with phpGACL will be easier.
Or maybe is there a possibility to implement subgroups in xoops? Any other idea?

Logging user activity
  • 2007/6/25 12:23

  • bumciach

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 153

  • Since: 2007/6/25

I have found XBS Logger. Is there any other solution for XOOPS to logging user activity? XBS Logger is very nice and simply to use module. But I need something more complex. I want to logging changes (old value -> new value) of records in specified tables in database. Of cours I can use also MySQL Binary Log, but I'm looking for something more simple and easy to view logs.

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