- permissions summaries for XoopsGroupPermForm class - when you have many groups and many categories you get billions of checkboxes (even you don't want to change anything, only looked what perms was set).
Maybe a view to show table with only these groups which have set any permission (with name of this perms). And then you decide if you must go to form to edit perms or not.
- maybe groups and subgroups with tree of permissions (like PHPGACL)? ;)
- simply event logging system. We have
so why don't
PS. captcha is bad, evil, not web-usabillity, etc. :P
Maybe a view to show table with only these groups which have set any permission (with name of this perms). And then you decide if you must go to form to edit perms or not.
- maybe groups and subgroups with tree of permissions (like PHPGACL)? ;)
- simply event logging system. We have
$modversion['hasSearch'], $modversion['hasComments'], $modversion['hasNotification']
so why don't
PS. captcha is bad, evil, not web-usabillity, etc. :P