=> mainfile.php :
// Secure file require XOOPS_VAR_PATH . '/data/secure.php'; define('XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN', '1'); define('XOOPS_GROUP_DEFAULT', '13'); define('XOOPS_GROUP_USERS', '2'); define('XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS', '3');
=> register.php :
$newid = $newuser->getVar('uid'); if (!$member_handler->addUserToGroup(XOOPS_GROUP_DEFAULT, $newid)) { echo _US_REGISTERNG; include $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('footer.php'); exit(); }
Didn' t work anymore... So i will modify as i did before, just by changing the id of XOOPS_GROUP_USERS
Hope this point could be managed in admin in the next xoops versions... even depending on some criteria as a specific code (xin code ?)
Thanks all for your help,