Re: RSS in different languages

Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I believe RSS feeds support channels so it is possible for you to provide additional language feeds by putting them in different channels but I am not currently experienced with RSS feeds and how they work to be able to help much.

I believe you will need to customize this file in order to do this. My impression is that the RSS feeds themselves are created by the modules in question and may require module modification to do this as well.

But as I said, I am not experienced with these but depending on what is on your system it could require some programming to accomplish.


Re: Forum ver 3,08 - Threads when admin/webmaster site loads blank, reg user all ok. How Weirdis that?

If you have been running the same software since 2004 that is impressive but as already mentioned it is likely that your host recently updated your PHP version and this made it incompatible with your installation.

You really only have two options...

Upgrade your installation or get your host to downgrade your php version back to a version that works with your installation.

So we can better help you please try to identify what version of xoops and modules you have on your system.
Also the version of PHP your host is using.


Re: All articles are missing


Mamba wrote:
I have no clue what system is.

It's the System module

@ kplacrosse, I highly recommend to upgrade to the latest version of XOOPS 2.5.6. But test it first with the updated modules to make sure that all is working.

Lol Mamba, not sure why I missed that... ;)

Anyhow Yes, there is no way to make your current system work with that version of PHP. You need to update and 2.5.6 is your best choice and may be the only one that works without issue with php 5.4. You will have some work ahead of you to convert to the newer versions of the modules and such but the upgrades in security and function far outweighs what you are running now.

Re: All articles are missing

Ok, my guess is that your hosting company recently upgraded your PHP. The version of xoops you are running is old and is not compatible with the version of PHP you are using.

You will need to upgrade to something ATLEAST as new as 2.3.3 of xoops. You could try 2.4.5 but the BEST version for security is the current version which is 2.5.6.

You should be able to find newer versions of your modules except system which I am unfamiliar with. You may need to do some conversions of your database tables to use the data with newer modules but you should be able to do so without much fuss.

When migrating please make sure you use a test host to ensure your data transfers properly and backup your main server before you do anything to your live server.

I believe there are newer versions of the modules you list:
Contact Us

sections has been replaced by publisher

I have no clue what system is.

Re: All articles are missing

Please list your PHP and MySQL versions as well as the version of Xoops you are using and any of your modules with their versions so we can be of better help for you.

Also ensure your hosting company did not upgrade versions of PHP on you as this can be a cause of issue for some people depending on the versions of modules or xoops used.

Re: xLanguage auto language detection

I meant that there was not anything within Xoops that does it.. I have only seen people change the language in the theme. You COULD likely do this in a theme if you really wanted it. Just have the code change the language based on what it got when it checks before it renders any text.

Re: xLanguage auto language detection

You would need something that looks at the browser information which I don't think anything does at this time. (Could be wrong, I just never heard of anything that does or seen any code that does.) I am assuming that the browser identifies what the language is otherwise this is not possible to do.

You could place it in the cookie and if the cookie is populated use that value otherwise look at the browser. Problem with this approach is that you will find that when a cookie is reset then the user would need to change their language again if it is not accurately reported by their browser.

Would almost be better to tie the language to the IP address or the reported user. Then it could be set once and forgotten. But again this information has to be looked at at some point. This would allow the language to be set from the first screen before the user logs in.

By reported user, when someone connects to a service both their IP address and the user name the ISP gives them are available. Although these are easily spoofed. MOST legit users won't bother even if they know how. (Exceptions might be countries like China and North Korea where their governments severely limit their access so people find proxies they can get out of the country through which will post other IP or user information.)

In the end it is a cool idea but in reality it would need to be something you could switch on and off and you are likely to create more issues than it fixes.

Re: ZB Block

I am hopefully completing a major project for one of my classes today which will leave me some time. I will only have one more major project but it won't be due until 2nd week in December.

At this time Richard is getting very efficient at converting to Doctrine so I am devoting my spare time to securing Xoops.

I am starting with Profile to get it locked down and secured (Not going to be a simple project but not too bad) and I will be looking at improving Protector. It would make sense to incorporate this in some way as well.

When I look into this I will be interested in any other security scripts that are available. Or sites that have blacklists etc. I know of Xortify as one of them out there but I would be interested in any others as well.


Re: Incrediable amount of phpDocumentor errors - Over 40 pages

Simon, we are going with PSR2 coding which also includes some information about php documentation. It really doesn't matter what phpdoc gives out as errors as long as the code passes PSR2. At the current time xoops does not pass PSR2. Xoops 2.6 will move in the direction of PSR2 but may not be fully compatible with it by the time the final version is available. There is much that needs to be done to the core to make it pass PSR2.

I would guess if PHPDoc will allow PSR2 compatible coding that may be an option down the road. At this time there is much that needs to be done with 2.6 before it gets released as a beta.

Not to mention the added libraries that don't pass PSR2 tests at this time and won't in the final product either since they are added without modification.


Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Question: What is the best module to be used in a news site?


Mamba wrote:
Rodney, I know that you mean well, but based on what I know about your school load, and based on your commitments to work on:

Like I said, at this point in time I wouldn't get to it until next Summer... ;)

I do hope to have 2 of the 3 projects done before summer. Especially since Richard has been doing much of the figuring out of the Doctrine switchover.

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