Re: NEWS 1.2 module
  • 2004/5/18 19:32

  • dadoprom

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 143

  • Since: 2004/3/2 1

I am testing it on a localhost. I will try to figure it out and I let you know.

Thanx so far

Re: NEWS 1.2 module
  • 2004/5/18 19:01

  • dadoprom

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 143

  • Since: 2004/3/2 1

Thanx Mithrandir

question: when I set up, for example, maximum 10 articles per page, it does't show me those 10 articles but all the articles on the single page (main page, artiles page).
Em I doing something wrong, or it is just a small mistake somewhere?

what is the solution for this, pls help

thanx in advace

Re: NEWS 1.2 module
  • 2004/5/18 16:27

  • dadoprom

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 143

  • Since: 2004/3/2 1

I fixed that little problem, and everything works just fine.

Question: Is it possible to upgrade News Module and not loose any data, articles, topics, or do I have to reinstall it.

I think that News module is the most powerfull module under xoops. With this new version you have unlimited possibilities... makes me smiiiiiiiiiile

Thanx for your fast previous reply

  • 2004/5/18 16:24

  • dadoprom

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 143

  • Since: 2004/3/2 1

I fixed that little problem, and everything works just fine.

Question: Is it possible to upgrade News Module and not loose any data, articles, topics, or do I have to reinstall it.

I think that News module is the most powerfull module under xoops. With this new version you have unlimited possibilities... makes me smiiiiiiiiiile

Thanx for your fast previous reply

NEWS 1.2 module
  • 2004/5/18 13:44

  • dadoprom

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 143

  • Since: 2004/3/2 1

Hi there,
I checked the new NEWS module 1.2 (beta) and there will be some great major changes. I tested it on my localhost and there is a little issue I've noticed. I was seting up the permissions for posting articles, reading articles and all this new things and the problem was, that these settings didn't want to get saved. After saving it I looked on it and it was all unchecked - didn't work. I could not view the articles on the website. Well, I know it is not for relase now. I was wondering when, what date, will you relase this great new NEWS module. I would like to know aproximate relase date, pls.

Tested on XOOPS 2.0.6, linux, apache, mysql

XOOPS team, keep up your great work.

Re: Linux : IN , Windows : OUT
  • 2004/4/30 11:25

  • dadoprom

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  • Posts: 143

  • Since: 2004/3/2 1

For what purpose are you going to use LINUX?
For a web server? Desktop ? (Desktop-if so, you can have both of them on one harddrive! YOu can test LInux and if you don't like it, delete it.)

It is a great system but you will have to learn planty of things, it is way different.
1. it is easy to install, easier then windoze (suse 9.1)

2. what everything, don't know what you want

3. ...like what??

4. Windows programs don't work under LINUX as a native app, though you can use emulator - wine - I wouldn't do that. There are planty of similar programs to windoze on linux.

I am Sorry...
  • 2004/4/17 16:30

  • dadoprom

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...for you. I didn' read such a crap for long period of time, dear ricland.

You look to me like 15 year old high school boy with very strange opinion about life - everybody will give me everything, because I AM THE ONE - SUPERBOY.

You are STUPID - very, very, very stupid.

Advice for you: turn on your PC: (you sure are WINDOZE user)click start > click programs> click games> and run your faforite strategic game - command & conquer??

Come back in 6 years when you'll be adult! Bytheway I am not from USA or ENGLAND, I LEARNED english language...

Vote for a story...
  • 2004/4/3 13:43

  • dadoprom

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 143

  • Since: 2004/3/2 1

I would like the have the option to vote for the stories in the NEWS module. I think I saw it there long time ago, but now i don't know wheter it is in the core XOOPS 2.0.6 or I have had installed some other module? Please help.

What is the best CSS editor?
  • 2004/3/31 11:34

  • dadoprom

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 143

  • Since: 2004/3/2 1

Please help, I don't know which is the best CSS editor, with notepad I think it takes long time, with Frontpage - it sucks. I don't know any other please give me some advice.

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