Re: ShortURLs hack
  • 2004/8/25 14:04

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24

I also need ShortURL for that i use with IPB Module (in past it not worked with IPBModule). Someone have the system to use it with In my sites i have some errors with 2.0.7. It not work. In your site work ???Quote:

ner0x wrote:
need new work version

Re: I will Pay for a modification in NewBB or IPB module. ...
  • 2004/7/5 2:55

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24

Pardon my language. I have read your message only now. Before reading your message, i have ordered a NewBB modification 2 days ago here : http://www.brandycoke.com/
Now i'm looking for a modification of IPB. I need it for different sites that will start in september/october 2004.
For a modification of IPB mofule i can pay also 350 $ . If you know some man that can make this modification of IPB module for a maximum of 350 $ (also in 3/4 month, i can wait for it november/december 2004) please post me the link and the name/username of the man.
Thank you. And pardon me for the time lost. I have read your message only today.

Dave_L wrote:
If Predator doesn't plan on this feature for newBB 2.0, I could probably add it for you within your budget. Please contact me by PM if you're interested.

I will Pay for a modification in NewBB or IPB module. ...
  • 2004/7/1 16:49

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24

Pardon my english. I' m italian.
Somebody have information about a software auction specialized in XOOPS modules or modifications. ... ?

I need a modification of XOOPS forum module that allow user to activate one or more forum without intervention of the webmaster, by becaming moderator of the site created by themself.
I need a modification of newbb forum module ( https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/ ) OR a modification of invision board forum module ( http://www.bbpixel.com/ ) that allow my user to create forum by themself. Without intervention of the webmaster.
I can make a contact form for my user and activate forum by myself manually but i prefer to make activation automatically by users of my site.
I have made a post here :

I see that some sites develop XOOPS modifications or XOOPS Modules. But i prefer do not spend for this modificaton more than 200 $.
I see the link :
If we order the modification in 3 or 4 the cost i think is less than for a single people.

Re: Commisioned Modules
  • 2004/7/1 16:14

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24


davidl2 wrote:
Following on from this post:

Would any module developers be interested in developing modules for money? How would the ownership be effected, with the "rules" of GPL etc...?

This isn't just for myself - although I do have a few small things I would love to see... but although I don't mind spending out a little towards them ... but then of course the code is available for free for other people.

Perhaps a nice big "Project commisioned by" credit throughout the code? :)

Ideas and thoughts people?

As for myself - I would love to see:

A membership module (almost 2 projects are completed - so thats good!)
An improved forum (again - NewBB is getting a facelift - so this is not needed)
A Fan-fiction engine.... perhaps it is possible for a customisation of WF-Sections? Or one of the review modules?
A discography module ?

I'm interested. ...

Re: IBStore (used in a IPBoard Xoops).
  • 2004/6/22 5:15

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24

RE : couldn't see anythin in the code to suggest it allows u to create your own forums tho.. altho i maybe mistaken..


Here :
A user ask me :

Download and Install IBStore ( you should find it ) and in the ACP you will be alowed to create items.. and one of them is what you want..

Re: IBStore (used in a IPBoard Xoops).
  • 2004/6/22 2:47

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24


IBStore (used in a IPBoard Xoops).
  • 2004/6/21 16:14

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24

I have tried to install IBStore (used in a IPBoard Xoops).
Here :
http://www.eulisse.com/testibstore/ admin : test password : test

I have downloaded IBStore here :


It work good here :

Have you some installation instuctions ?
What i have to do to see All Store ???
I have to operate in admin panel ???

What is the system to use IBStore ? Have you some instructions ???
A member ask me that with IBStore it is possible to allow user to create a forum without intervention of the webmaster, by becoming moderator of the forum created. Is it true ???


I have tried to launch the install file :

To complete the installation.

But I have this error :

IBStore Config Global Editer, Prevents errors that could be caused by IBStore for not editing.
If you get a timeout error just delete this file and continue with editing. DO NOT run it over again.

Added config data! This file has been delete, you may now continue with the installing.

Is it the cause of the problem ???

I have tried to launch the link :

To complete the installation.
I have this error :

IBStore Config Global Editer, Prevents errors that could be caused by IBStore for not editing.
If you get a timeout error just delete this file and continue with editing. DO NOT run it over again.

Added config data! This file has been delete, you may now continue with the installing.

Is it the cause of the problem ???

Re: I need a script that allow my user to create forum by themself.
  • 2004/5/31 14:28

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24

Pardon my english. I'm french

I think there is no script for newbb to make this, but it's possible to write this:
in newbb\admin\admin_forums.php you take the code under "case 'addforum' " and create a new file (add_forum.php for example) in the root of newbb.
It's only a idea, not the complete issue !


A Developer can help me. Is it Possible ?

Re: I need a script that allow my user to create forum by themself.
  • 2004/5/16 16:19

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24

I need a script that allow my user to create forum by themself.
  • 2004/5/16 11:17

  • ullone

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2003/4/24

Pardon my english. I'm italian. I need a script that allow my user to create forum by themself. I can make a contact form for my user and activate forum by myself manually but i prefer to make activation automatically by users of my site.
I would like to understand. Exist a script stand alone or a module for XOOPS portal, PhpNuke or Other CMS (Typo3 or similar) that allow user to activate one or more forum without intervention of the webmaster, by becaming moderator of the site created by themself. In Yahoo Groups for example activation is in automatic WITHOUT INTERVENTION OF THE WEBMASTER YAHOO.
This site : http://www.forumcommunity.net/index.php?c=7667 use Invision board stand alone but i suspect that webmaster make changes of the software (i have not the capability to modify php code).

http://forum.clarence.com/ use VBullettin.

This site
http://www.forumfree.net/ use Invision Board.

I would like to understand if exist a module for XOOPS or PhpNuke that allow your single User to create the forum By Yourself ??? Or a Script standalone. VBullettin or Invision Power Board for XOOPS ( http://www.bbpixel.com/ ) or Newbb module for XOOPS or Invision Stand Alone allow user to create his forum WITHOUT INTERVENTION OF THE WEBMASTER ??? Exist a VBullettin module for XOOPS or PhpNuke ?

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