Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/3 22:13

  • Bender

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You did not get my posting right. Just for the record: I absolutely disagree on your thief statement.

Anyway since this "dantoso" is simply another hacked account (compare old postings from 2004 with the current ones to build your own opinion) its not neccessary to reply at all ...

[EDIT]Also i am outta this thread ... just keep throwing things at each other people ... you are doing well. I got better things to do.
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Re: Weird login redirect problem
  • 2008/4/2 20:58

  • Bender

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If it were sessions related you could empty the sessions table (not delete!) in the database.

Not saying thats the cause ...
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Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2008/4/2 20:51

  • Bender

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Hi dantoso,

be carefull. Your post will probably be edited a bit because you actualy named a different cms product in a possibly not XOOPS improving way. (it could cause people to look for it just by talking about it and possibly using it later on - therefore ... not improving)

I will not use the name in my reply:

Please, don't accept the idea to donate the money for the charity. Smells like a good idea, but is not:

xoops.org with the money = bad to *******cms (in the point of view of the XOOPS foundation / *******cms team).
money to charity = good to *******cms team, bad to XOOPS project

With not nearly as much information as in the old days i would say ...

1. To the best of my knowledge no money went into the product you named from XOOPS foundation

2. It would probably not matter to that other system for reason 1 anyway.

3. The Xoopsfoundation was clearly not wanted by most(not all) of those running this site. (check back on older postings)

4. Marco has been stating that this project is not mature enough for a foundation and for handling any money for a long long time. (check back on older postings) That means long before the project you mentioned came into life. And there was no real opposition to that position from the community nor the current team.(check back on older postings) Even at that time donating it was the suggestion of choice. In your opinion: Is the project now more mature then several months ago? Would/Could it cause fighting between people with different opinions as to what to do with it if you would have it?

5. Your suggestions for how to use it are of course pretty much valid. However ... the points before.

6. There should be a topic where you can read djs stance on banners when he moved the site if i remember correctly. Should be worth searching for. So much for future money involvement in this project.

7. I personally would like to see part of the money - if it were here - used to pay someone for taking care of privacy issues on this site.

Well ... my 0.02 cents
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Re: In big trouble!
  • 2008/3/20 9:06

  • Bender

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Steve i assume you are on a shared hosting and do not have your own root server?

Then please first contact your hoster and see if they can get you a backup of your database from a point in time before you even tried updating Xoops.

Your database format is no longer coherent with the original one used in XOOPS 2.0.x versions. The database is not completely broken but XOOPS won´t be able to use it the way it is now. The problem is not solved by reinstalling XOOPS to have fresh files again - the problem is the content of your database. And "no" you can´t simply reinstall and move the old content over. It will mean quite a bit of work and analysing which since you are not that familiar with mysql/phpmyadmin you won´t be able to do by yourself.

Under the assumption that your are on shared hosting i would really expect your hoster to have some kind of backup because if their sql server which is used by your shared hosting and others breaks down and they have to repair it several customers would kill them most likely if they did not do backups. They might ask a small fee for the restore of your database but that should be it.

Once you got your backup you can simply upload your files from your backup again which you did before updating and you should be good to go. (eventually they might be able to restore your files as well from the same day but that i would not really assume)
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Re: In big trouble!
  • 2008/3/18 15:26

  • Bender

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You did not answer the question Stefan asked:

What about the original database? (Do you have database backup? - you mention only files and folders)

If you havent restored the database then do that and also restore the files again.

If you don´t have a backup of your database get in touch with your host rather sooner than later.
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Re: Web Links Module - Mass accept of submitted links
  • 2008/3/17 12:18

  • Bender

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Nothing found on a quick look ... better go here:

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Re: Login Problems
  • 2008/3/13 18:54

  • Bender

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Did you already check on the discussions of the following topics?

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Re: Trouble with Forum Moddule Newbb version 1
  • 2008/3/13 18:49

  • Bender

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Check the database for damaged tables.
Clear cache folder
Empty (not delete) session table

Does the same thing happen if you run your website in a local setup on your pc(with wamp, xampp or whatever)?

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Re: xoop.org down yesterday - why? 3/12/08
  • 2008/3/13 18:42

  • Bender

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Since we moved to the new server, it doesn't happen that often. In the last 4-5 months maybe once or twice, so there is no reason to worry.

Sorry but i think most around here will agree that even after the server move this site has been down far more often than once or twice within 4-5 months.

However - the good news is that you can´t really blame this on XOOPS as many other sites run far more stable in comparrisson. (including country specific local support sites)

For this site it probably would have been better to import the userbase into a new one and keep the old one as an archive. because this site got a lot of undocumented hacks over the years and carries quite some luggage with it. So its not really the best example to pull your first impression from.

Anyway ... in the end XOOPS and its offsprings are quite stable systems usually.
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Re: No Leeching from my own domain? WF Downloads
  • 2008/3/1 21:28

  • Bender

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  • Since: 2003/3/10

Try what i posted over at wf-downloads forum at TheSmartfactory.

Also i just tried to download the file listed at the bottom of your frontpage at grooveclips.com without getting the message.
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