Hi dantoso,
be carefull. Your post will probably be edited a bit because you actualy named a different cms product in a possibly not XOOPS improving way. (it could cause people to look for it just by talking about it and possibly using it later on - therefore ... not improving)
I will not use the name in my reply:
Please, don't accept the idea to donate the money for the charity. Smells like a good idea, but is not:
xoops.org with the money = bad to *******cms (in the point of view of the XOOPS foundation / *******cms team).
money to charity = good to *******cms team, bad to XOOPS project
With not nearly as much information as in the old days i would say ...
1. To the best of my knowledge no money went into the product you named from XOOPS foundation
2. It would probably not matter to that other system for reason 1 anyway.
3. The Xoopsfoundation was clearly not wanted by most(not all) of those running this site. (check back on older postings)
4. Marco has been stating that this project is not mature enough for a foundation and for handling any money for a long long time. (check back on older postings) That means long before the project you mentioned came into life. And there was no real opposition to that position from the community nor the current team.(check back on older postings) Even at that time donating it was the suggestion of choice. In your opinion: Is the project now more mature then several months ago? Would/Could it cause fighting between people with different opinions as to what to do with it if you would have it?
5. Your suggestions for how to use it are of course pretty much valid. However ... the points before.
6. There should be a topic where you can read djs stance on banners when he moved the site if i remember correctly. Should be worth searching for. So much for future money involvement in this project.
7. I personally would like to see part of the money - if it were here - used to pay someone for taking care of privacy issues on this site.
Well ... my 0.02 cents
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