No confirmation code on the registration page - disclaimer text is followed directly by the Submit button.
The full non-commented content in my /class/captcha/config.php file is the following, which includes the line you referenced:
return $config = array(
"disabled" => false, // Disable CAPTCHA
"mode" => 'image', // default mode
"name" => 'xoopscaptcha', // captcha name
"skipmember" => true, // Skip CAPTCHA check for members
"maxattempt" => 10, // Maximum attempts for each session
"num_chars" => 4, // Maximum characters
"rule_text" => _CAPTCHA_RULE_TEXT,
"maxattempt_text" => _CAPTCHA_MAXATTEMPTS,
This was a brand new (for me the first) install. I'm stumped.