Anyone got a script to go through and mass-verify links?
  • 2004/4/30 14:56

  • Wayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13


At Amiga.org, I've got several hundred links to Amiga sites on the Web. I'm not sure however how many of them are still physically in operation. What I'd like, if anyone has it or is interested in a challenge, is a script to go through and verify that all the links are still answering. Something like;

1) Open $link
2) if $link doesn't open, create broken link report.

That way, at least, I could go through and manually verify a few broken link reports as opposed to manually hitting hundreds of links.

I'd appreciate any help anyone might be able to offer.


Re: How to lock a news story from new comments?
  • 2004/3/30 19:14

  • Wayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13

I will strongly consider this feature - it is not currently possible to disable comments for individual news items.
Thank you. Any way to get something like that sooner or perhaps at least with the next release? It's very important to several people I'm sure.


How to lock a news story from new comments?
  • 2004/3/30 17:35

  • Wayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13

I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum, but I need help with the news module.

Occassionally when posting a news story, the comments start going extremely off-topic, or even worse, degenerate into wars between the trolls on the site.

On a recent story for example with 170+ comments, I desperately need a way to keep people from being able to create new comments. The comments are now hopelessly off-topic and it's taking a lot of time deleting new off-topic comments.

Is there any way to add (or already perform) the functionality to "lock" a news story like the newbb module does with individual topics?



Re: Soapbox issue corrected.
  • 2004/3/9 14:18

  • Wayne

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  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13

Greetings hsalazar,

Thanks for a great module, but I have found a bug in article.php I think. On the article page, under the "More news by" block, each older item shows the date of the current item.

You can create an account on Amiga.org, then go to /modules/soapbox and view either column to see the bug in question.

Wayne Hunt

Re: fast reply for news modules
  • 2004/3/5 3:54

  • Wayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13

I would be glad to help, if I knew what a "fast reply box" was. Any more information you could provide about what you're trying to accomplish would be most helpful.

Re: Last Posts v1.0 -- WARNING! (Xoops1 & Xoops2 included)
  • 2004/2/13 13:58

  • Wayne

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  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13


1) Hope you get to feeling better
2) The hack seems to have cleared up the immediate issue, though was more difficult for me running both X1 and X2 (on our dev site). Thanks.

Everyone else: Evaluate and apply the patch above to the index.php for your lastposts module as quickly as possible. Using the unmodified module, it is possible to do really nasty things to both your site and the machines of your visitors. I know that *I* am amazed that no one else caught this major security hole in two years.

Kent and I will be working on taking over the Lastposts module for XOOPS 2.x, unless we hear of someone else doing it first. The programming for XOOPS 2.x is much more convoluted and hard to follow, so it may take a while for us to get our bearings between Family, work, and school (all of which take precedence).

Re: Last Posts v1.0 -- WARNING! (Xoops1 & Xoops2 included)
  • 2004/2/13 12:19

  • Wayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13


Sorry about that. I misread your original post as saying the "former" (first) text was that which had to be replaced with the latter. That's what I get for waking up at 5:30 am on a Friday morning.

Let us test and I'll get back to you.

Re: Last Posts v1.0 -- WARNING! (Xoops1 & Xoops2 included)
  • 2004/2/13 12:11

  • Wayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13

The version we started with was; "Modified 07.10.2002" (The CVS info says version 1.1) and doesn't include the "former text". It does already include your proposed fix, so I'm presuming that you guys are running a different version than we are. In any event, the fact that your proposed fix is identical to what we're already running means that there's still a very big problem on your site.

I don't think anyone here wants us to publicly post how their site can be easily destroyed (if they're running the lastposts module), so I'm sure if you ask Kent privately, he'll be glad to describe it.

Hopefully you're not affected, in which case I'd ask that you consider mailing me a copy of that module (which seems to be abandoned by the author).


Re: Last Posts v1.0 -- WARNING! (Xoops1 & Xoops2 included)
  • 2004/2/13 11:58

  • Wayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13


Thanks for the help, but you must be running a different version than we have. The text above is not in the version we have at all. As a matter of fact, the text you suggest already is in there (verbatim) so I would presume that you might want to do a little testing. Sounds like yours is still hackable.


MyAlbum-P 2.6 -- myalbum_categories.html template problem
  • 2004/2/12 21:21

  • Wayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2002/2/13


I'm trying to alter the appearance of MyAlbum-P 2.6 and I'm running into a problem. CSS and formatting aside, why doesn't this work? It should, but whenever I put it in place, the categories NEVER get displayed.

I'd appreciate any help I can get.


<table width="100%" border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' align="center">
td colspan="2">Categoriestd>

from=$subcategories item=cat key=count}>
td><a href="<{$mod_url}>/viewcat.php?cid=<{$cat.cid}>"><{$cat.title}>a>td>
from=$cat.subcategories item=subcat}>
td><a href="<{$mod_url}>/viewcat.php?cid=<{$subcat.cid}>"><{$subcat.title}>a>td>

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